Did Cam v4 quietly get a new floating Live Stream (picture-in-picture) feature?

I’ve played around a little more with the PiP feature and also found what seems to be a relevant Help Center article, but it doesn’t mention Cam v4.

I’m definitely seeing what seems to be multiple instances of the Wyze app spawned by this feature when I use it. Some appear to be “actual”/“normal” full-screen Wyze app instances, where hitting the “back” button actually navigates backward in the app as expected (instead of minimizing the app as I previously described). Some appear to be faux-screen app instances, where the app “window” is taking up the entire screen (even able to show me three cameras in a Group view) but behaves like the PiP window and doesn’t respond to user interaction in the way that the actual full-screen app would.

For example, if I’m looking at this maximized 3-camera Group and tap one of the camera views, this “instance” of the app (behaving like a “child window” but appearing to the user as an actual full-screen app instance would) just refreshes all three camera views, briefly showing the “Loading Live Stream” message overlay on each and then resuming the Live Streams. If this was the “actual”/“normal” app, then my tap should’ve taken me to the Live Stream screen for that single camera that I selected.

I don’t know if this behavior is a Wyze app issue, an Android issue, an Android version issue, or something else. It just seems to be spawning these PiP windows in a weird way.

With this testing, I ended up with 3 different “instances” of the Wyze app showing up in my recent/running applications view that I had to swipe away in order to launch a new instance of the Wyze app and start over. When I first discovered this feature and played with it, by the time I was done and initially noticed what had been happening, I had 5-6 (or more) instances of the Wyze app to swipe away.

I have been unable to replicate this multiple-“instance” behavior with Wyze app v2.5x, although I can use the PiP feature in that version of the app.

This testing/experience leaves me feeling like the v3.0 app isn’t cleaning up after itself very well, and I wonder if this seemingly sloppy clean-up is contributing to the battery drain and data use issues that other users have reported. (I haven’t tried to formally test or document this myself, but I do have a strong impression that my battery is depleting more quickly with the v3.0 app than it was previously.)

Incidentally, I noticed just yesterday that the Smart Focus control (which has an icon similar to the Cam v4’s PiP icon) no longer has a “BETA” label, for whatever that’s worth.

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