Anyone else notice anything like this - in the new 3.0 app, on the home/favorites screen I have a mix of Pan v3s and OGs. The OGs are a live stream and work great. The Pan v3s do this odd thing where they alternate between a still image from some point in the past, and a still image of “now”. There is no video or stream, just this weird back and forth of still frames every 5-10 seconds. Occasionally if I scroll up and down it goes to a video stream, but mostly just this weird alternating back and forth between an old image and a new image…
I even dropped it down to just a single Pan v3 on that screen, same thing. If I tap the image it takes me to the regular interface for the camera and the stream is fine…
Actually just noticed if I switch to the monitoring tab (which has the same Pan v3s and a couple of the same OGs) then back to the home screen, they are all working fine with live video streams, until I scroll on that screen then they go back to the weird behavior when I scroll back up and they reload the live stream.
Was really hoping for a screen where you can have 4 cams each taking up 1/4 of the screen with your phone turned sideways (like the monitoring screen but expanded to full screen with nothing else). No such luck there.