Creatures own camera

This is kind of crazy if you ask me and please don’t think I’m crazy. Has anyone else seen these fairy like creatures that fly in front of the camera at night without night vision on or infrared just the back lights of the my porch. My little girl says they’re fairies which they kind of resemble them they fly real fast and they stop in front of camera for a second then they fly away and they come back and you can see him in the distance has anyone else seen this please say you have thank you. Oh and I will do my best to try to catch him on recording so I can post it it’s just when I see them I try to hit record and they’re already gone so I’m going to put it on record the whole time and see what we can do

Post a video. Most likely dust or insects. Happens all the time.


The frame rate of the camera and the flapping of insect wings and sometimes birds can make fairy like effects


Curious, what makes you think it is a “him”?

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@lintontwowayradio Does it look like this? I think my :raccoon: gang is using drones. :laughing:


@lintontwowayradio If you search the Wyze forum, you will find hundreds of videos posted about orbs, ghosts, spirits, floating lights, paranormal, moths, tiny bugs, dust particles, and spider webs etc. Any of these can produce strange/scary/odd looking formations on your camera inside or outside of your home.

Cameras inside your home near HVAC vents will pick up a lot of floating dust particles and are often mistaken for spirits/orbs. When I first saw these strange looking formations on my camera I flipped out as well. Especially if you have an imagination anything like mine. :rofl:

@Antonius that’s an excellent example of a fairy on a Wyze cam really cool.


I’ve seen something very similar on my cousin’s camera before it was pretty weird and it happened on multiple occasions

Here are a couple of my videos previously posted on other threads, so here you go.

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Again, it looks like insects flying around. But I like your daughter’s opinion.

The OP’s daughter thinks the objects are fairies. My daughter is 32 years old so I no longer have to tip-toe around when discussing fairies or Santa.

Notice how I crafted my reply in case the OP’s daughter is checking out the Wyze forum with dad.

My second video almost looks like it could be the shape of a fairy.

Turning OFF the cameras IR leds and using an externally mounted IR light source above camera would solve the issue.

Many of my cams use an external IR source and I get 95% less dust, pollen and bugs as they are not illuminated directly in front of lens.


What do you use for an external IR source? I was recently thinking of a use case for IR that could be rechargeable and could be recharged by a solar panel.

Though, I normally avoid IR in most cases, there are sometimes where it comes in handy and in those cases, having an external one would be preferable.

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This one will likely be too power hungry for battery ops, it draws 1.4 amps @ 12v or 0.7 @ 24v - 20 watts

They also sell a 10 watt version and others make lower Wattage units too…

Tendelux Infrared Flood Light Tendelux DI20 IR Illuminator | Long Range Infrared Flood Light for Security Camera (w/Power Adapter) : Electronics

This is a dual lens PTZ, secondary lens has optical zoom

Below are pictures of No IR, Cameras IR and External IR


Cams IR - Notice washout from trees reflection of IR

External IR (cam IR OFF)


Oh yeah, that’s a great improvement, plus no bugs, dust, etc.


Your ‘driveway’ reminds me of this


Not as scary during the day LoL :rofl:


Very nice pics and examples.