Coverage for driveway but not street traffic?

Hi all, I have several cameras and have the set up well, except for this one camera I just got that was covering a blind spot. I have a v4 with window mount that points out my front window and covers my driveway and front of the house. I have it tied to cam plus. Like other areas I turn off vehicles so I am not hammered with notifications or hard drive space with the on going street traffic all day and night. But this camera I want that to not pick up, but it also covers my driveway and I want vehicles picked up that enter my driveway. So by having it off I am not recording people entering my driveway. I was going to block out the street to hide the street traffic the best I could to not record there. Then I have the problem when I block the street it also blocks my sidewalk and other things I want to record that grabs people walking by etc. … So is there a way for me to record certain vehicles but not others to accomplish this ? Almost like I need vehicles off , and then be able to do an except this area. Record vehicles here (driveway )
.thank you

If you leave it to record vehicles in the driveway you will get a lot of vehicle videos and notifications of even parked vehicles. I have my truck in the driveway and in the detection zone as well as a vehicle parked on the street. If the vehicle is not covered by the zone I will get numerous videos every time something else sets off the cam like a person, or animal (pet).
You are asking for a lot. A picture of the cam view would help.

Do you need Vehicle Notifications for your driveway? I have a camera overlooking my driveway and street. All motion is recorded but I only get Notifications for Person. If a car turns around in my driveway or drives by my street I don’t care. If someone gets out of their car near my property then I want a Notification.

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Oh I guess that makes sense. If they get out is what I care about. But I will attach a photo. It’s similar to your setup.

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You might try Person only Notifications for your driveway camera and see if that setting works for you.

:laughing: Correct, “Most” cars can’t arrive without a person except in San Francisco.
Just person detection would work.