Considering Mesh Systems to Improve WiFi Performance for Wyze V3's

Currently trying to decide whether to implement a WiFi mesh system and am considering the ASUS ZenWiFi AX6600 Tri-Band 6 XT8 and the eero Pro 6 Tri-Band 6 for that purpose. Of particular concern is getting an excellent connection for all of our Wyze V3 cameras. Currently there are 4 V3’s mounted outside the house and another 2 waiting to be installed. It’s those 2 in waiting that have triggered my thoughts about implementing a mesh. The current router setup just doesn’t provide a strong enough signal to adequately support even the addition of just one V3 even though its intended outside location is on the soffit and is only about 15’ from a TP-Link Powerline unit on the inside of the same wall. Tried substituting an older TP-Link AC1900 dual band gigabit router for the Powerline unit and got the same result. The rest of the current setup includes a Spectrum router connected to a Spectrum modem providing 400mbs, and a TP-Link AC2600. All of the 4 currently operational V3’s are operating with HD off the AC2600 with satisfactory performance.

Would very much appreciate forum members’ opinions of the two mesh units being considered and especially if there’s any experience using them with Wyze cameras. My current “guess” is the V3’s should operate equally well with either of these two mesh units, but sure would like to know if that’s not the case!

P.S. While investigating the shortcomings of the current configuration, I found a nifty network analyzer, WiFi Analyzer Pro by Zoltan Pallagi on Google Play, which has proven very, very helpful in understanding what was taking place including channel contention from my neighbors.


I use this router. I actually have 2 nodes for it, but I usually have the satellite disabled and just use the main one because it works pretty darn good with just one too so far. Eventually I want to connect the satellite with a long ethernet cable and have the extra band used for even better device distribution.

I have 2 dozen Wyze cams all using cam plus and a few cams from other companies and well over 100 internet connected devices using it (including various kinds of sensors on hubs, smart bulbs, computers, smart speakers, and many other IOT devices).

Before I got this router and my new internet provider, my internet was constantly crashing and driving me insane. I switched providers and got a new router at the same time, and things have been awesome ever since. I don’t have connection issues.

I have not experienced the eero router. I can only tell you about the ASUS. I’ve found it to work pretty well. Though keep in mind that I now have 1Gbps Fiber, so that could make a difference on the experience, but I can at least confirm that the router is definitely capable of handling a lot of cams with constant uploading.


Like @carverofchoice , I also use the ASUS ZenWiFi AX6600 Tri-Band 6 XT8. This router has corrected streaming issues I had with Wyze Camera’s using the TPLink P7’s and the TPLink X60’s.

The Asus Mesh Router has been amazingly fast, able to maintain connectivity with 60+ wireless devices online and 14 camera’s connected and streaming while recording live events as well. TPLink could not keep up. I understand the eero’s are decent Mesh Networks, but don’t believe they are tri-band and are very similar to the TPLink.

If you understand networks, I believe you will like the Asus with all of its settings, logging, and ability to control which device connect to which Access Points or main router. Also note, I needed 3 nodes with the TPLink to function in my home, not huge but a rambler spreading about 2000 SQFT. With the Asus, I only need the 2 at each end of the house and can survive on just one.

I have a Colleague who also switched to the Asus Router with 200 Mb up and down, and has no issues streaming, connectivity, and crashes as he experienced with his TPLinks. He has told me that these routers are by far better than what he had before.

I like @carverofchoice has a gigabit connection and don’t experience any issues with the Asus. The same gigabit connection on TPLink gave me issues wuth some Wyze Camera’s and streaming.

All of this to say, I would strongly recommend the Asus Router setup. :slight_smile:


You’re bummin’ me up. :slightly_frowning_face:

Why don’t you sell me that old dusty one at 1/2 price and get yourself the new new version? You pay shipping. :wink:

:rofl: Tell you what, Keeping the ASUS, but would be glad to send you the X60 3 Pack. It is sitting in my closet of technology equipment either waiting to be used or waiting to be disposed of.

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Touché. Je suis blessé mais je ris. :sadclownwithberet:

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Pas besoin d’être triste, je vous garderai à l’esprit lorsque je passerai à la nouvelle version.

:+1: :beers:

Lived in Belgium for 5 years. Lost some of the language as we had to learn French, Flemish and Dutch. So not fluent in any, but can read more than I can write. :slight_smile:

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Polyglot! Dude, you are soooo a Maven, (don’t care what @UserCustomerGwen sez :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Just trying to keep up with you and provide support across all users of Wyze. :slight_smile:

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I’ve got an Eero Mesh system, and it works great with Wyze cameras (I’ve got a few V3’s, outdoor cams, a couple V2, and a couple of panv1, as well as several bulbs). It’s not the EERO 6, as it wasn’t out when I made the switch, but it really works well!


Using 3 Eero Pros (model before the 6) with 10 v3’s a few Foscams and the typical home automation with no issues. Two of the v3’s are located in/on a stand alone garage about 25’ away.
Mesh does seem to push signal around and outside the house. Used ASUS in the past and I’m sure their mesh is a good option too.

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Just make sure any new WiFi system you implement supports client steering. The Wyze devices are all running such a primitive chipset that if you have multiple wireless access points with the same ssid the Wyze devices will fall off your WiFi all the timed not reconnect without a power cycle.

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I have a TP-Link M9 Plus mesh running 2 units. Is ‘client steering’ where the AP auto-selects between the 2.4 and 5 bands for a connecting client? My unit has that.

Or is it the same as ‘beam-forming,’ where the AP tries to fine-tune the signal to the client over time?

Mine also has that, and it does seem to maybe work a little. Though, if it does, it seems to maybe have to relearn the tuning on every AP system reboot… a little. :slight_smile:

Definitely the Asus over the Eero. I have installed both. All comes down to the user interface Asus is superior.

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I have a pushed beyond limit system, using 14 TP-Link decos, m5s, and 26 Wyze cams, Covers a huge area, several out buildings and wooded lakefront. Have home weather enclosures for the M5s. They work pretty darn good, it was a real project at first, but now running smoothly most of the time.
Some of my decos are 100+ feet apart, and still reliable. I let the automation set them to mesh, then turned off the Mesh option. This stopped them from jumping around trying to get “best” signal. This greatly improved everything.
It’s great entertainment, lots of wildlife, beautiful sunrises, sunsets, and keeps an eye on boats, docks, roads and trails.


Turning off the mesh toggle works for you? Dang. I’m cursed. :slight_smile:

Not even sure how that would work. The whole point of the mesh is that each unit talks to the other and only one has a connection to the Internet.

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A mesh system works great if you set it up properly. I have 4 Airi’s that are only dual band, however, they are linked via ethernet (easy run in attic for me with tiny hole to drop it down through ceiling). This eliminates one channel as being the backhaul channel. Nothing beats a dedicated wired backhaul!

They key with being able to move from one AP to another instead of your device trying to still hang on to the AP you walked away from is to reduce the transmission power of that channel. If you space them out properly, and not keep all channels broadcasting at 100% power, then it’ll be a smooth pass off from one AP to the next .

Mesh allows “steering”, only if you’re using 1 SSID for the channels, i prefer to separate each channel. I’d rather dedicate the AP’s cpu to controlling the flow of the various devices than it analyzing if a device should be on the 2.4 or the 5ghz band. I have no issues at all with over 6 v3’s, 2 pans, over 6 v2’s, and all my wall switches, wyze thermostat, vacuum, wifi plugs, etc with connectivity. The router i’m using is a plain ol’ Frontier Arris one with a gig switch connected for all my hardwired connections.

Imo, it’s all in how you set it up. Well, having decent mesh equipment does help of course. :slight_smile: Just my thoughts.

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I have a Deco P9 system. They connect to each other through Powerline. I lately disconnect the third Deco because it seems to freeze up. My many Wyze cameras (pan, v2, v3, doorbell) usually work fine, but it’s not uncommon for videos to fail to upload (so annoying Wyze does not retry), for live connections to be slow to start, or for them to fail to start. In the Deco setup, I disabled mesh fast roaming for Wyze devices. I also tried connecting Wyze cams to my Actiontec C3000a on another wifi channel, but that did not help. All non-Wyze devices work flawlessly. The connection issues seem random with regards to time of day (e.g. peak streaming hours) and how much I am using my wifi.

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Get to Know Fast Roaming / Seamless Roaming on a Deco System

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