Connection timed out

I have three Wyze V2 (I think) cant tell if it is V1 or V2 as everything is in Chinese.
I have reset the camera by holding the button for 20sec.
I go through the process of connecting, I think the camera recognises the QR code, all verbal commands are in Chinese so can’t confirm!! The LED flashes orange/blue.
After 120seconds the message:
Connection timed out
Check current network and try again

what can i do?

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@AWD… If the label on the camera is Chinese, then it is NOT a Wyze Cam. The bottom of the camera should look like the photo below. This is why you would not be able to set it up. Not sure where you bought it, but it sounds like you got a counterfeit.


Thank you for this.
i have just worked that out also.
there are a number of sellers on amazon marketing Xiomi ?cameras, identical in all respects as WYZE cameras. You need to get amazon to put an end to it, not good for your reputation unfortunately.
I will be returning the products.
what do you recommend as the best way to purchase in Mexico

@AWD Can you please reply with the Amazon link to the camera you purchased? Was it sold as a Wyze brand camera?

Wyze licenses their hardware from a manufacturer that also provides hardware for other makers such as Xiaomi. If the camera sold on Amazon was not labeled as Wyze, then there’s nothing illicit about that.

However, those cameras, while looking alike on the outside are not identical to Wyze Cams. Wyze’s hardware internals are customized for them. And what makes Wyze Cams very special is the Wyze-developed firmware and app software. So it is important to only purchase genuine Wyze brand cameras.

That said, Wyze does not sell or support its cameras outside the U.S. at this time. That is because they do not yet have adequate overseas infrastructure to provide the quality level of support and connectivity their customers demand. Amazon has been asked by Wyze not to sell the products outside the U.S. but Amazon has not complied.

So, if you can find a genuine Wyze Cam being sold on Amazon at your location, you may purchase it. But be aware that it will not be guaranteed to work or supported by Wyze.

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I’ll aend the actual link tomorrow,


Thanks for the photos. My Spanish isn’t great, but it looks like a third-party seller passing off a Xiaomi camera as Wyze brand. When I search Gooplayer’s store on now, I don’t find the camera, so perhaps they have pulled it down.

In any case, I’ll pass this along to Wyze. Not sure what can be done about it though. Thanks for calling it to attention.


Hello @AWD

I’m sorry to hear about this frustrating situation! @Loki covered just about everything that I was going to. It looks like this unauthorized third party led you astray and we’re sorry.

Loki is correct that we are not an international company yet because we’re not ready for everything that goes with it. I just want to take a moment to clarify a point. While we won’t be able to directly send you a warranty replacement if you have a Wyze Cam that needs replaced, we will provide tech support up until that point. And if you have an address in the US that we can ship to, we can ship you warranty replacements that way. We’re not wanting to leave you adrift! :slight_smile:


thanks Loki
have reported them to amazon


thanks, have returned the coutnerfeits!
reported to amazon, annoyed that i lose $30 in shipping, trying to get back but unlikely :rage:


UGH. That’s so frustrating! We’re sorry, AWD. :frowning:

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