Color bulb updates fail

Wyze color bulb update fails. Cannot reset to factory state. Called customer support and wasted 30 minutes listening to dozens of people shouting in Vietnamese. Could not understand 50% of the support person’s “English”.

Conclusion: the device is a waste of time and money.

Can you still control the bulb in the app? Turn the bulb off via the app then try the update again.

Yes, I suppose I could have done that, but my objective in swapping out incandescent lamps was to simplify my life, not to add a new layer of complication; so I have replaced these fussy bulbs and their constant firmware updates with a competitor’s units at a third of the cost.

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How old are your bulbs? What firmware is on them? There hasn’t been a firmware update for these in 2023 yet.

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I’d be interested in your source for a third of the cost, as all Wyze users would be. That’s what attracted most of us to Wyze. :grinning:

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