Cloud recording, is there any plan to extend beyond the 12 seconds cloud recording

Hi , I just purchased 4 wyze cam with 32gb SD card inserted. I love them so far as it makes me feel safe.

Occasionally I experienced error message that I need to power cycle the unit. But then later u found out that this has to do with the network. Simply connect to better network OR change to resolution to 360 if you can’t find a better network will do the trick.

My biggest wish at this point is the cloud recording, may I know is there any plan to make the alert cloud recording be longer than 12 seconds? 30 seconds would be great, this will help a lot in cases where the can is destroyed and the long enough footage will help in cases like this

Hi @binbin, please head over to this topic in #roadmap and vote at the top of the thread. :slight_smile:

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