Cleaning Wyze Bird Feeder

Does anyone have any tips and tricks when it comes to cleaning their Wyze bird feeder?

Depends on the type of cleaning…but for the feeder itself:

Firstly, use gloves (birds actually have a lot of germs and contaminants).

There are special brushes for birdfeeders that are designed to reach all the nooks and crannies, though you can use a dedicated bottle brush or old toothbrush.

Rinse loose parts off with water first.
Then use HOT Soapy water with Dish soap will help a lot because of the emulsification process.

If it’s really bad, then for deep cleaning you can probably soak it inside of bleach water (without the camera or solar panel in it) for like 10-15 minutes (1 part bleach to 9 parts water). If you’re anti-bleach like some people are (no judgement), you can alternatively use equal parts vinegar and hot water.

Make sure to rinse it thoroughly. Then air dry.

In some cases, it might be easier to disassemble it to clean it (especially if doing a deep clean)

The more frequently you clean, the easier it is to do so.

If you’re talking about other things like cleaning spilled seeds, etc…a birdseed tray can help, then you can dump it in the garbage occasionally. Or move the feeder around to prevent accumulation.

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