Capture by Wyze Cam 4 end screen l

I downloaded a bunch of videos from the Wyze app on my phone and they all end with a screen. Saying “Capture by Wyze Cam 4”.

How do I prevent that from being added to the end of all my videos. I don’t wanna have to go through 50 videos and trim this off of all the videos.

  • no sd card was in this camera. I do have this added to my camera subscription

You’re probably doing this from individual events that you’re accessing from the  Events tab, and you probably used the  Share button instead of the  Download button. That’s what tends to do it, at least on Android (I see that you’ve designated yourself as an iOS user). Try using  Download from that screen and see what happens. This post and others in that topic might shed some light:

Yes, I am ‘sharing’ them from the ‘events tab’ and saving them to my Google Drive. I was hoping that there was a way to turn off the end screen, similar to CapCut or the Wyze logo watermark

That’s what I’m saying. What happened when you tried to use “Download” instead of “Share”?

If that works without adding the ~2-second “Captured by Wyze Cam v4” tag to each video (it should), then your best bet at this point might be to “Download” the event videos to your mobile device and then select multiple videos from your device’s gallery to do a bulk upload or “share” to Google Drive that way. It adds extra steps to your process, but that should forgo the end tag (which really seems to be mucking up a lot of videos—as I noted in the link above—and which I think should be an option that the user can choose to enable or disable, but only if Wyze fixes the process that tacks it on in the first place).

When downloading the video directly to my phone, there is no end screen.

I definitely think it should be an option like the Wyze timestamp that can be edited under the camera settings, but forcing this branding is just not cool

That has been my experience, as well. Thank you for confirming.

I agree that forcing this video add-on into the “Share” feature is a bad idea, especially because of the way it seems to hose playback on some devices, as has been discussed in several topics here in the Forum. Whatever they’re doing on the server end to append this seems clumsy and breaks things, and that’s not good at all. I really wouldn’t mind if it was an option (like the Wyze logo “watermark”) and didn’t break things in the process, but it should definitely be optional, if anything.

Download to phone, then go into your gallery and share to Google from there. Extra step yes, but eliminates that issue (as well as the video format issue that affects some recipients).