Cannot view live video when phone is connected to same wifi as cams

With my cameras, Flood v2 and doorbell, and phone connected to the same wifi mesh system, I cannot view live images. I can view saved video . If I connect my phone to my sorce wifi the live feed will connect and work. Any suggestions

Make sure you have the latest app and firmware updates.

Perhaps the mesh is for some reason blocking stuff from communicating between the 2.4ghz band (where the cams are) and the 5ghz band (where your phone likely is). As a test you could disable 5ghz in your mesh temporarily and see if that changes anything.

If it does that’s something you’d need to investigate with your mesh router’s manufacturer, maybe some setting or firmware update would fix it.

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Most WiFi access points have the ability to prevent one device on the WiFi from communicating with any other device on that WiFi. Although not commonly used in residential, it’s standard on many public WiFi installations. Check to see if that is set in you WiFi settings.

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This is almost definitely an issue with the Router Firewall or similar router settings blocking connection on the same network.

Check Firewall rules, AP/Device Isolation, QoS settings, etc. One or more of those is likely involved depending on how your router implements them.