Can the Wyze Cam v4 in my garage cause my garage door to open?

I have a Chamberland garage door opener… Recently, it’s been opening on it’s own - it’s happened 4 times in the last week or so.
I’ve done two things in the last week, I replaced a defective outdoor key pad (with an after market brand) and I installed a Wyze Cam v4 in my garage to monitor my garage.

Is there any way the Wyze Cam could be causing my garage door opener to activate?

PS: The remote and key pad work fine - when I ask they open or close the door that work. It’s the random opening that I’m trying to solve.

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I highly doubt it, more likely your after market key pad is a culprit. The cam has no remote on off capabilities.


Seems very unlikely, I’d suspect something with the keypad, in reality those keypads are just a normal garage door button but in order to “press” it you have to enter a code. So some water, short circuit, wiring issue could all be to blame.

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There is also a possibility someone else is using the same frequency of your garage door opener, or has swiped the frequency using one of those flipper devices.

Maybe try switching your system to another frequency?

The only other things I can come up with is, maybe something is swinging in a breeze and annoying the door anti-squish sensors or a rodent has compromised the wiring to the switch.


Interesting. About 3 years ago I woke up with the garage door open. This happened 2 times in a week or so. Made me big time nervous. Older garage door openers had a limited number of codes. Mine is at least 15-20 years old (fixed code). I was thinking it could be kids, or nefarious prowlers, driving down the street pressing on the button on a remote. Since we never put the car in the garage (I’m the only one opening and closing the garage door) I decided to put the garage door on a smart plug. Opening the garage door now requires two steps. I tell Alexa to turn on the garage door, then press the opener switch in the garage. Have never had an issue since.

Newer garage door openers use a revolving code that changes every so often. This basically does away with the limited code problem.

I would also agree with @dave27 that it could be an issue with the keypad.

If it was working OK in the past then a neighbors code could have matched your code (doubtful) and in a few days it will get a new code–problem resolved.

Hope this helps.

Even the pretty old openers have a decent number of codes. Mine was old when I bought the house 20 years ago, I’d guess it is at least 30-40 years old. At that time I did a reset and relearn of the remotes, and have done it one or two other times when I’ve gotten a new car and wanted to erase the old one out, or replaced a regular remote, etc.

Can’t think of a time it has ever opened unexpectedly. Of course, we know it does happen especially with the older ones. A full reset and re-learn (which with many causes it to cycle to new codes) certainly isn’t a bad idea, won’t hurt.

Though ones our age are certainly susceptible to Flipper, heck even many newer ones are. If someone wants to get in, they’ll find a way.

But if it started with the addition of the keypad, seems likely that’s the culprit.

I have an indoor V4 pointed at my garage door, controlled by an old Chamberlain opener. Never had that problem since installing the V4.

There was a time when the garage door would open by itself but that was before I installed the Wyze camera. I figure a neighbor’s remote is triggering it so I changed the code.

One other remote (:wink:) possibility: Does the garage door opener have myQ built into it, and is it possible that’s involved? If I’m doing a differential diagnosis here, this is low on the list, but I ask because it hasn’t yet been ruled out in what I’ve read so far.

Crossed my mind too, some sort of wifi interference maybe, but seemed virtually impossible, the wifi ones are a lot more secure than standard remote ones…

Yeah, I really mentioned it only because @nhbeachguy mentioned “a Chamberland garage door opener”, which I interpreted as Chamberlain, and myQ is a Chamberlain thing that can open a garage door. It’s built into the LiftMaster that was already installed when I moved into this house, and I really like it.

My 30-40 year old Craftsman garage door opener is technically a Lift Master (now Chamberlain). No smart features but the thing is a tank, probably out live me.

The similarly aged wood doors on the other hand, only so many more metal brackets I can put on the inside to try and keep the rot from falling apart. Guess I need to start considering fiberglass replacements.

I actually have no use for a smart garage door opener, however I’ve thought for years that car manufacturers are really missing a great feature opportunity to put a button on the key fob to open the garage door. Both my cars have buttons built into them, the remote could just activate that button.

Not on the fob, but some cars have the garage remote built into the rear view mirror assembly.

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Yeah both mine have that, which is why it seems adding a button to the fob to just remotely trigger that button would be pretty simple.

Though I guess considering I often unlock or even remote start my truck due to the buttons protruding from the remote, I guess that wouldn’t be great. They really need to go back to recessed buttons. Or I need to keep less crap in my pockets.