Can not run scheduled watering or start watering from my phone

Just got off of the phone with wyze, and the only suport they could give me becides resetting the cobtroller and deleting and re adding it to my phone was to return the controller to amazon…

Right now everyrhing is working properly, 3 new valves, new start box for the pump, and new wiring from the power feed to the pump. This was a working maunal system as of 7 am this morning.

I can manualy turn on each zone from the controller and run it from the controller. I am also able to pull up the wyze app on my phone and stop the watering. If i try to run a zone from my phone, it says that it is running, but the controller does not fire the start box or open a valve for any zone

I am running the newest firmware on the controller and the app

Does anyone have any ideas why i can not get the controller to work from my phone?

Im assuming its also not a wifi issue if i can stop watering from my phone?

I am having a very similar issue. I’d shut off the sprinkler from my smart phone because a tropical storm came through, and when I restarted the schedules they did not work. Wyze help acted like they were going to die a warranty replace, the. I got this email:

really appreciate your patience and the efforts you have exerted in trying to fix this concern. We have raised this issue to our Product Team and it was confirmed that this is an ongoing issue for the Wyze Sprinkler Controller schedules not working and our developers are aware of this issue. Thanks to user reports like yours. This behavior is currently being monitored so were collecting as much data as possible for our Product team to scrutinize and find a fix for patching.

Our engineers are working on this as a top priority as of this time and we are looking forward to having this solved in our next update.

In the mean time, we highly suggest to create a Rule for your Wyze Sprinkler Controller as a temporary workaround.

To create Rules: Wyze app > Tap top right edit icon > Edit Rules > Create a Schedule Rule and select the zone/duration

I know that this may not be the response you are expecting but I trust that I was able to clarify it for you. Feel free to let us know if you have any further questions or clarification as Wyze will always be here to help you out.

I tired creating a rule as recommended but that did not work either.