CamPlus Terrible Performance - Impedes access to SD even - Stay Away

I have V3s and V4s and high end SD cards. After I added CamPlus my performance is severely degraded. Cameras take more attempts to access. Video is chunky. Playback from Sd is constantly interrupted or dropped. None of this occurred with CamLite. This must be some of the worst network data transfer software that I’ve ever imagined. Wyze support is slow, inept and ultimately useless.

Sorry to hear of your performance frustrations. I’ve been there in the past and I know how frustrating it is.

How many cameras?

If things worked okay before Cam Plus and adding cam plus is the only change, it’s likely your experience is related to all the extra cloud upload traffic now. Most commonly related to the upload bandwidth or the router not being able to handle all the new constant traffic. I’ve especially seen this happen with Cable internet since they often daisy chain their service. Are you having more problems during certain times of the day?

I will say that when I first started with Wyze I had similar frustrations with performance and I was confident Wyze was the problem too. Then some friends who had way more cameras than me told me their stuff was working nearly flawlessly and if we had the exact same brand and model cameras and thiers were working flawlessly, I had to question whether it was possible for me to figure out what the difference was, so I asked them a bunch of questions and made similar changes until I got to the point I am at now where I have lots of Wyze cams that work fine with Cam Plus and constant uploads. I have over 50 Wyze cams, and I used 3.5TB in the last 30 days, half of it from Wyze cams and my 50 Wyze cams are experiencing great performance (I also have cameras from 5 other camera companies as a comparison too).

I’m in no way suggesting you aren’t experiencing frustrating poor performance with your Wyze cams. I absolutely believe you that you are. I am simply indicating that it is possible to figure out what the external factors are causing this and resolve them so you can have a great experience too. It’s possible your network in it’s current state isn’t able to cope with Cam Plus for that many cameras, and there are ways to upgrade that to improve things. I won’t claim to know which variables are applicable to your situation though. It could be any combination of more than a dozen different things worth checking, but if you’re interested, I can go dig up a post I made about all the things I experimented with until I got a nearly flawless connectivity performance. It is definitely possible to have lots of Wyze cams with great performance. That’s not to say there aren’t things Wyze could do to make ongoing improvements though. They can and should…but there are often things we can do too instead of sitting and hoping some dev may someday improve something, especially if it turns out to be some things they may have limited control over (not saying that is the case for you, but there are some people with connectivity struggles that are on account of things outside of Wyze’s control).

But if things worked great with Cam Plus Lite and the problems only happen with Cam Plus, you could probably also always switch back to using CPLite instead since you were happier with it that way. Working fine on CPL but not CP is just usually indicative that there is some kind of bandwidth bottleneck or router processor/RAM limitation, or other things like too much signal noise in the environment (or number of other things).

As for support being slow, I usually recommend doing the email support instead of chat or phone because then I don’t have to wait for them and can just do things on my own time in cracks of time when it’s convenient for me.