Cameras not recording any events

Yeh, it’s Wyze’s end… it’s THEIR firmware + servers etc… not us or our cameras or settings or phones or app settings. Yet there website will say everything at their end is working fine, when it’s clearly not.


Yeah, this made me realize I need to find a more reliable solution to cameras/security etc.

I’m looking into POE cameras and a server that I can access through internet if needed. More expensive but reliability and performance is paramount.

If anyone has thoughts feel free to let me know.

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I have said it many times on these forums. STOP updating firmware or app. If your cameras are working leave it alone. These updates seem to always create issues. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!!!

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Ahhhh, the wonderful world of Wyze. Every day is an adventure of pulling hair because something that worked (sort of) yesterday stopped working today. You didn’t know you were signing up for a life of debugging, diagnosis and frustration? Personally, I’ve added the following statement to my resume: “Expert diagnostician and debugger”

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You missed a/the triple alliteration there…

Debugging, Diagnosis &… Desperation !


You’re right though… and it’s not just Wyze… it’s most if not all of these tech companies… and the common denominators in all this for decades now… where all of these problems started… are computers, software and programmers… including all the ‘clever’ young ‘things’ that build & code it all (recent case in point is the FTX & SBF debacle).

I have an additional problem with my mobile phone broadband ie certain times of the day I can’t use it (plus it ‘pulses’ ie on-off-on-off… I think… nay, I KNOW… there’s interference from something… but they won’t LISTEN to what you’re telling them… and/or they’re illiterate… and/or have cognitive dissonance and other). I do nothing with my phone… then, during the night, it works normally… so, the problem ISN’T my phone (does the same on brand new phones with factory software). I’m an experienced computer engineer btw. Yet these dumb clever young thing ‘technicians’ want you to change this, change that, change it back, delete this, delete that, clear the cache, delete the data, uninstall, reinstall, etc or “just wait a few days and contact us again if it continues” (cos they haven’t got a clue). FFS… [may as well just tear my hair out… after all, I’m already banging my head against a brick wall… may as well go all out on myself]. :exploding_head:

It’s so basic in fault finding that if nothing is changed in my device ie at my end… then the fault is at their end - or if the firmware is changed and the fault occurs immediately then it’s the firmware that’s at fault cos that’s the ONE and ONLY change. But these clever young things, with degrees no less, don’t can’t and won’t get it and or listen - and this is with EVERY company I’ve dealt with for at least 2 DECADES now… and constantly getting worse. Why? Cos of humans reliance on computers and software ie their thinking ability for themselves is being eroded - they don’t get that apps CAN’T make roast chickens (which is one of my analogies).

I could easily write a book here… and sometimes do lol. Anyway, I have another theory on this… and it’s highly plausible… cos cellphone networks do similar eg throttling bandwidth. In Wyze’s case, they prob have a bandwidth problem (thus the move to charge for the originally free 12s clips) and/or a cost/profit problem and/or they’re throttling in various ways to offset the increased energy cost bills ie they could be doing a (how can I describe it… hmmm) ‘rotating’ MAC address cut-off algorithm which cuts off a certain percentage of cameras at any one time (this is in addition to any other outage problems and other faults - think about it… it could easily be written
into the firmware ie a random clock timer… which makes it LOOK like an intermittent fault… but is actually a cost-cutting ‘feature’ to reduce bandwidth and cost on their servers). In conjunction with this… just think about how the number of well-timed pop-up adverts has increased to a ridiculous amount to ‘force’ those without paid subscriptions to CamPlus to subscribe. In some cases I’ve had 3 in a row pop up when tapping anything. We KNOW about CamPlus… we DON’T NEED reminding DOZENS of times a day! If we WANT it, we KNOW where and how to get it! This also ONLY started happening after they removed the free 12s clips. It could also be that, with the same or additional algorithm, they’re deliberately throttling (or throttling more) mostly those who haven’t subscribed. Again, this could be programmed into the software using a MAC address vs subscription lookup function. This COULD be going on… as well as the usual poor and untested/inadequately tested firmware faults (this SAME kind of thing occurred with the alleged COVID ‘vaccines’ ie badly tested or untested prior to release… and loads of BS fed to everyone afterwards… it’s this SAME cognitive dissonance and human ‘dumbness’, and other, everywhere… as if something is in the water as they say… perhaps it IS all the glyphosate in our food and water supply… whatever it is, the PROPER pandemic on this planet is stupidity… not some alleged coronavirus).

Contentious and sarcastic… that’s me… serious with it… but also humorous with it. :slightly_smiling_face:

In the meantime, anybody know of an IP Cam that connects directly to a WiFi enabled broadband router, without going through a 3rd party server & subscription based model, that streams directly across the Internet that we can access similarly directly with another direct connection to the Internet from another device… and that sends me thumbnails or whatever directly to my viewing device? Why does everything have to now have a subscription? It is all becoming more and more just like Microsoft Office (and ‘vaccines’… note the SAME human involved here) ie forcing you to buy something more than once eg every year for the same price we used to get a LIFELONG licence for… and only needed to/had to buy the new version (just once, again) IF we WANTED to/WANTED to use any new features. Now we’re forced to pay multiple times for not only the basic features… but buggy and non-working products at that.

It’s the same ‘everywhere’.

For this plundered planet with a populous population of 8 Billion and piling up ever more plentifully, it’s plainly unsustainable (thus the need for ‘vaccines’… according to many… and Microsoft Office Man, of course… who kinda started this mess with MS-DOS… but, y’know, it coulda all been TRS-DOS’s fault all the same… had the MD of Radio Shack not been out to lunch when IBM phoned… allegedly). :innocent:

Right, now we all need a double brandy after that rant! :sweat_smile:

Hope y’all had a wry laugh here and there, at least! :blush:

Cheers all ! :wine_glass::clinking_glasses::wine_glass:

p.s. Actually, you DID get a triple Alliteration in ie

The ‘Wonderful’ World Of Wyze :+1:

Oh… correction, tho… :face_with_monocle:

" [UNPAID Wyze] expert diagnostician and debugger [and alpha/beta firmware & software tester] " :smirk:

Which is another ‘model’ that ‘all’ of these companies have ‘employed’ (pun intended) ie User Forums to save costs/make more profit (for the ‘Billy Boy Billionaires Brigade’ of the planet). :man_shrugging:t2:
