We have a Wyze Video Doorbell Pro and a Wyze Cam v3. For many months now, they are both auto turning off and must be re-activated daily at 1PM. We have no idea why this is happening and are not getting much help from technical support. We have tried removing and reinstalling the app which did not help either. Is there anybody out there that can help explain why this is happening and what we can do to fix this problem?
Since there are 2 different cameras doing it. I am leaning toward router problems. 1st reboot router. (power off or unplug, wait 10 seconds and plug back in) 2nd can you borrow or have an extra wifi router to plug into the modem to rule that out. I have heard of routers going weird.
I know a pain to set up a new wifi. At least you only have 2 cameras.
3rd, anything causing interference with router? Hard to track. Cordless phone, some kind of wifi video games. Roku or firestick? I know that is tough to track down. But guessing router first.
Since you mention 1PM daily, I would also check for Scheduled Rules in your App that might be causing your devices to shut off.
As @StevenA mentioned, it definitely sounds like some sort of automation. In addition to checking your main account, make sure to check any guest accounts you may have shared the cam with, as they can set automations that the main account won’t see (not a great feature in my opinion). If there is an account that used to have access but no longer does, it is also possible an automation from that one is still active in the system somewhere.
I fear the problem is more complex as all of these suggestions have been attempted several times. I believe it has something to do with subscription.
Video Doorbell was installed 2022 and Cam v3 was installed a couple months later. Two annual subscriptions for Cam + (one for each device). About a month later, credit card bill showed duplicate charges. Apple was contacted to delete/cancel the extra charges and that is when the problem began. Each day at 1PM Wyze stops detecting events and we must go in and reset both devices.
So are the cameras turning off, or are they stopping event recording at 1pm? Two separate issues being described here.
If you remove the cams from CAM+ and use SD card only do they work ok? Chargebacks can have very odd results with a lot of subscription based things, from your description of the events and timing it does seem probably related to the subscription. When you say you bought 2 subscriptions and were double charged, do you mean you were charged 4 times?
The charges appeared on credit card statement as shown in the attached screenshot. We had them cancel/remove the first three (3) charges listed in the attached.
The two (2) cameras stop detecting events each day at 1PM.
I would suspect it is related to the chargeback. Unfortunately your only course in that case is to deal with Wyze support and try to get it sorted out.
We had something like that before with another company. I think it may have been a screwed up account that was broken into 2 accounts.
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