New to Wyze, purchased single v3 camera. Live feed is fine (actually, fabulous). I receive event notifications. When I tap on “Events” I see a list showing a photo at the time of the event, the device name, and the event time. If I tap on the photo I see an enlarged photo but no recording. For a recording, I have to go to Home, tap on the device, and then “View Playback.” From there I can scroll to were the event happened and see the recording. Should I be able to see the recording from the event list? It is a real pain trying to scroll to the exact time the event started.
The 2nd thing on the events list is "Get Cam Plus to enable back-to-back video recordings. Would that make videos play from the events list or would I still need go to “View Playback.”
In order to play directly from the event picture you need Cam Plus (if you happen to have an old grandfathered Cam Plus Lite account, you can add them to that, but it no longer accepts new users). The picture on the event is the “cloud” recording, and without a subscription, you only get a still frame.
If you have an SD card (sounds like you do) then using the “view playback” views the recording from the SD card and costs nothing more than the one time cost of the SD card. That’s how I use them.
Note you can go directly from the event picture to the SD card, there is an icon there, you do not need to go home and go into the camera view. Tapping that icon (SD Card, Jump to SD, View Playback, I forget what the v3 calls it there) takes you directly to that spot on the SD card playback screen.
Fabulous. This is not only exactly what I wanted to know, it is one of the clearest, most thorough while being concise, answers I have ever received to the many questions I have posted on a variety of internet forums. THANK YOU!