We have a dual band router. We have several wyze cams that have been working on our property for years on that router. One of the cams has been nutty lately at night, periodically picking up vehicles that enter the driveway, periodically not. So, we bought a V4 to replace itt and an extra V4 for another area we wanted to cover. The V4 cams would NOT connect to our router unless we disabled 5g and only had 2.4g enabled. But them EVERYTHING ELSE we have on our wifi (other wyze cams, gate opener, sprinkling system, etc…) all stopped working!
Called support 3 times. The 3rd time I got tired of waiting on hold and hung up. But the previous 2 times only got me the same solution - lose 5g, gets the V4 cams working but lose access to EVERYTHING ELSE! I’m not about to redo everything else on this property to try to get it all to work on 2.4g and shouldn’t have to. As it is, I already wasted the whole day monkeying with these V4 cams. It would take another eternity to reconfigure everything else! Not doing it! It should NOT be this difficult!
I packed the V4 cams back up in their boxes and I’m returning them! That’s it, I’m done. I would rather eat a bucket of nails than try to connect another Wyze V4 cam!
Did you turn 5GHz band back on? Once the cameras have been connected to the 2.4GHz they don’t care about 5GHz as they can’t see it. The only reason you have to disable 5GHz band is so the phone can be forced on 2.4GHz band so it can connect to the camera during setup.
That is unfortunate and I probably would have done the same thing if it was my initial encounter with Wyze. Wonder what went wrong?
I don’t believe in segregation of 2.4 and 5. Luckily I haven’t encountered your issue. I like the availability to roam and have the router offer the better connection depending on my distance from the router.
Maybe not, if the OP renames only the 5Ghz SSID in theory every current device would connect to the 2.4 which still has the same name.
Going forward, devices could be pointed to the 2.4 or 5 or both
I do sometimes have to manually switch bands on my iPad to get the best bandwidth for a particular location in my house. My Wyze cameras can’t get on my 5Ghz band which seems to keep them happy.
Probably true. When I put back into service my older Linksys router, I felt the safe thing for me personally was to give the 2.4 and 5Ghz different names. So far for me this is working well. My Linksys EA6350 is 10 years old so I would consider it to be an old one. Others with a newer router are probably good letting the router do the switching.
That is what I did when I got my latest router that has band steering. I did it because I didn’t want to have to set up all off my cameras and everything else again. I just used the previous SSID names that I had for the 2.4 and 5.0 networks.
On my old Netgear router the bands were on different SSIDs and the only thing on 5GHz were two phones and two iPads. When I got my new router that supports band steering I renamed both bands with the same SSID and password as my old 2.4 band and all my cameras, plugs and lights reconnected instantly. I only had to put four devices on the “new” SSID. TVs and computers are all on ethernet.
Edit: If you only have cameras that need 2.4GHz you can do what I did. Combine the two bands and use the existing SSID and password. You shouldn’t have any issues.
The v4 cam has no idea about the 5ghz band. If your phone (on 5ghz) can’t communicate with the cam (on 2.4ghz) then that is an issue with your router, not the cam.
Only other possibility is that your router has “band steering” enabled and is trying to force the v4 onto 5ghz even though it can’t support it. There have been some hints here that is something that certain router brands may be doing, causing issues with the v4. It would cause issues with any 2.4ghz only Wifi6 device though, not just Wyze.
Long story short, before getting all angry, make sure you’re blaming the right part of your system.
Do you have WPA3 turned on? If you do, try disabling it as some routers will force WiFi 6 compatible device to the 5GHz band. See if that solves the issue.
I see other possibilities like renaming 2.4g vs 5g but teally, I just dönt want to go through so much trouble. Everything else (we have a lot of devices) hooks up lickety-split and gives us no trouble. That’s including our other wyze cams (V3, V3 Pan…). These V4 cams already took up too much of my time and caused way too much frustration. I don’t care about a siren nor the spotlight so it’s not like I needed a V4. My V3s are working fine, I just thought it’d be nice to get a better quality image. But definitely not worth the trouble I had gone through.
Thank you everyone for trying to help and offering suggestions. But like I said, a box of nails!
My router plays nice with my other wyze csms and all other devices. Habib asked if I had switched back to 5g after connecting the V4s to the 2.4g. Yes I dod, everything else came back online but the V4 cams dropped off. I think I mentioned in my previous reply that I don’t want to start rebaming/segregating or doing anything more than what I have done for each and every device so far which is just putting in my password to the wifi. That’s it. If they can’t play nice like the ither wyze cans and all our other devices, forget it. My husband was very annoyed when the sprinkler system went down. We have a priduce farm and the sprinkler and other devices need to stay online. We’re not going to go through and try to re-connect everything else because of the V4 cams. Nope… box of nails, first!
Actually Wyze is not totally to blame here, part of the blame belongs to the type of router you have. It is shared blame at best. If you don’t want to waste anymore time, go ahead and return the v4 and get v3 instead.
We have an Asus AX3000 Dual Band router. I don’t know a lot about routers so it is possible that our router sucks. But as previously mentioned, it works judt fine with the other wyze cams and all other devices. So I’m not about to go out and buy a new router because it can’t work with the V4 cams. Yes, I’ll probably just get another V3 or just wait until they come out with a newer version that easily plays nice with all kinds of routers includinv my dumbell router.