Cam-v4 without Cam Plus is a waste of money or not?

Do I understand it correctly, for the V4 Pro if you do not subscribe to Cam Plus you no longer receive the 12 second events?
I just realized that when I bought today V4 with hope to upgrade V3.
Also I realized that there no RTSP support, and colors are awful.
Wyze guys doing as a Hollywood movie-makers, next movie always badly then previous. :joy:
Damn, now I understand why Microcenter has a 50% off for this camera, I paid only $18.53
So, tomorrow, I consider :face_with_monocle: return it back because I don’t want to be hooked :hook: with a cloud service.

There is no v4 Pro - are you thinking the v3 Pro?

Regardless, you use an SD card if you don’t want to pay a subscription. Many of us use them that way, definitely not useless or a waste of money.

v3 was the last camera that supported Cam Lite. RTSP was removed (officially) long ago and has stopped working via the Hack method more recently.

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It was a typo, off cause V4, not a pro.
I still using RTSP on my V3, also thank god I found here advices how to disable Auto update FW on my V3, honestly I am tired to downgrade FW when Wyze developers, who have a two left hands release new FW.

Not sure what you mean by “of cause” - both are valid and current models of cam.

So you’re aware that RTSP is no longer supported (hasn’t been for years), that shouldn’t come as a surprise on the v4. Running that older firmware on the v3s, you’ll no longer be able to change camera settings via the Wyze app as of a month or two ago, so at some point you’ll have to find a better solution.

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