Cam V4 - no longer sees my wifi after FW upgrade to

If that’s the case, then the reasonable place to post this would seem to be in the official announcement topic for that particular firmware version. Since that topic was initiated by a Wyze Team member, I would expect that to be the relevant place where it might draw the attention of an actual Wyze employee.

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Thanks for the response but I’ve done that and wrote about this above : Cam V4 - no longer sees my wifi after FW upgrade to - #12 by tomekgg

But it doesn’t matter what my router is doing (or not doing).

  • Other Wyze cameras work fine with my mesh config.
  • Cam V4 woks fine on older firmware.
    All is good - except when Cam V4 is upgraded to new firmware.

This is not the router issue. This is camera firmware issue.
If you are telling me that it’s my wifi config issue - maybe try explaining why the same camera works well with this wifi on older (slightly older) firmware.


Maybe. Maybe it was better.
My intention wasn’t to familiarize myself with full extent of Wyze forum. I simply came to “Camera” section, because I had problem with camera. Simple logic.


Do you mind explaining why my V4 with the same firmware that you are having issue is working fine?

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The other cams use 802.11N 2.4ghz. The v4 uses 802.11AX 2.4ghz. As I mentioned before, since 802.11AX supports 5ghz (but the camera doesn’t have a 5ghz radio in it) your mesh may be getting confused and trying to force it onto 5ghz.

If you’re certain you’ve ruled out your wifi, then there are 3 things I can suggest. You can obviously skip to step 3 if you want:

  1. Factory reset the cam and re-add it. As long as you don’t delete it from the app and give it the same name, it should retain all/most settings.
  2. If that doesn’t work, do the manual/recovery process using the latest firmware. Factory reset before and after. Maybe the firmware update corrupted and manually loading will fix it. Again, name it the same thing in the app when re-adding it.
  3. Same as step 2 but use the previous firmware (make sure you have auto firmware updates disabled first).

Exactly. Maybe he can mail his cam to my house for a chance at a “good” network.

I gave up trying to convince him. He seems pretty much set like concrete. :grinning:

Some people have hard time admitting that they are wrong :slight_smile:


Wow, Wyze has really a huge problem with software quality and … quality of forum members.
If you have nothing to contribute - wise choice is to sit quiet. @ssummerlin @habib - this post was an opportunity for people who faced the same issue or who have some useful advice to help. Just skip it if you can’t offer none.
you are acting like a person who goes into the dentist’s office and yell “my teeth are ok” to the guy who is on the chair, getting his filling.
The fact something works for you, IT DOESN’T mean it’s problem free. There are thousands of different configurations and many may be affected by the issue while many may remain unaffected. Is this so difficult for you to understand?
So difficult?

@dave27 I appreciate your help but you don’t seem to be reading what I wrote.
I already responded telling you that my Cam V4:

  • DOESN’T see my wifi on the most recent firmware (
  • and when I downgraded the firmware (via recovery) to (previous version of the firmware) - Can V4 WORKS FINE and sees my Wifi.
    Short story:
  • New firmware = Problem
  • Old firmware = No Problem.


I gave you some reasons why that may be, and some things to try, but given the low quality of forum members, why are you even here? Contact Wyze Support.

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My teeth are okay, but I still get them cleaned every 6 months.

Mate, you are asking me to do sth I clearly wrote I tried before. Still, I appreciate your effort, because it’s good to occasionally re-check if one has done all that is needed.

Regarding the quality of forum members - yep, you may be right. I thought Support was bad. Lesson learned.
Although, I received some helpful advice from other forum members. Maybe I just need to ignore certain … individuals.


I have heard you can mute people in the forum. Ignoring works for me.

Okay this is my last post on this thread. Sorry if I came across rude.
