Cam Plus Yearly Unlimited Subscription disappeared form my account, replaced by Cam Plus Monthly

I purchased the Cam Plus Yearly Unlimited subscription back on 8/2/2024 ($89.99, $10 off promo). Things were going ok until I was charged $11.02 on 10/13. Wondering why I was charged by Wyze when I paid for the year, I looked at my account and subscriptions and saw that I only had a Cam Unlimited Monthly subscription. There was also a $.00 statement/invoice that shows “Oct 10-Oct13” for .99, with a credit of .99. So it looks like something happened on my account around 10/10.

Next payment is set for 11/4 so hoping to get this resolved before then. If Wyze did somehow cancel my Cam Plus Yearly Unlimited account, I never got any kind of refund. So I paid twice for the service in October, and need some kind of refund for the Monthly charge,

I chatted with online support, who basically said that the Service Team will have to look at it, and opened Case 4123145.

Anyone else have an issue like this, or can point me in the direction of a helpful Wyze insider?

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I just looked at mine to make sure. My CamPlus Unlimited annual plan renewed a month ago on schedule and looks normal.

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