Cam Pan v3 can't review continuous recording on sd card

I have two (2) Cam Pan V3s and neither of them will allow me to view sd card recordings on the app. I have restarted, reset, unplugged and removed and reinserted the sd card. Will a hard reset on the camera fix this issue. All the settings for the card are correct but all I get are event recordings but not continuous recordings. There is no green vertical bar on the right side when viewing the sd card in the app. I need a fix because this problem makes these cameras useless.

Since you included a screenshot of the microSD recording timeline that shows event recordings, I’m curious about what a screenshot of your Advanced Settings and Manage SD Card screens look like.

I don’t know, but if you attempt a reset, please note this from the relevant Help Center article:

  1. If there is a microSD card inserted in the camera, remove it before proceeding.

Before doing that, I think I’d share screenshots of the appropriate Settings screens, maybe also include Device Info or just verify your Firmware Version. Note this update from over a year ago: (August 17, 2023)

  • Fixed an issue that caused failure when usin Continuous Recording to a microSD card

The most recent update is from July of this year.

Here’s settings that I have on the one Cam Pan. The other camera has the same settings.

That’s helpful! Thanks for sharing that.

I agree that you have things set correctly, so I don’t know why this thing isn’t showing you continuous recording on the microSD timeline. If you’re thinking about doing a factory reset (I’m not sure if that’s what you meant by “hard reset” or not), then I’d probably start with one camera, but before that—if you’re ejecting (from the app’s Manage SD Card screen) and pulling the microSD card anyway to do a reset—I’d pop the card into a PC to see what’s there since it’s full.

If it looks like the microSD card actually is doing continuous recording—and you should know by looking at the folder/file organization on the card…

  There should be a folder in the root directory called “record”
    â¤· filled with dated “YYYYMMDD” folders
      â¤· and inside each of those should be 24 different hour folders, “00”-“23”
        â¤· and inside each of those should be 60 different minute files, “00.mp4”-“59.mp4”

—then I’d probably re-insert the card, clear the app’s cache (Account ⥤ App Settings ⥤ Cache File Size ⥤ Clear), log out of the app, reboot the phone, log into the app, and see if that fixes the timeline. If that works, then it should fix the issue with both cameras. If that doesn’t do it, then I might eject and pull the card again and do a factory reset on one camera to see what happens.

Highly unlikely for both SD cards to fail at the same time, but I’d try another.

Have you tried formatting the card? Personally I like to pop it in a PC and use SD card formatter to do it at least once and make sure everything is correct, from that point on using the format function in the camera/app seems to work fine.

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Well, I pulled the cards from both cameras. Tried to format both. One formatted correctly and when I returned it to the camera I could review the continuous recordings. The other card would not reformat and said it was write protected. Followed several instructions to get it not write protected but it wasn’t working. So I just put a new card in the camera and that one is now working correctly. I appreciate everyone’s input.


That usually happens when the SD card has reached its max rewrite cycles. Get a new (better) card.

This is one of the reasons I prefer “Events only recording” to the SD card. My floodlight V2 is recording “Continuous” even though it’s set to “Events Only”. It started with the last firmware update.

Your other card is likely about to reach end of life too based on the symptoms and the assumption that you started using them around the same time. So keep an eye on it.

I use the Samsung Pro Endurance cards, they’re priced reasonably (I got them for like $12 for 128GB) and rated for constant writing for years. If you’re going to be on 24x7 recording you need a card rated for it. Also note the larger cards will last longer due to less writes to each cell per “X” time period.