Neighbors came home from Florida after staying 6 months.
Woody enlarged the entrance and made a new one also.
Neighbors came home from Florida after staying 6 months.
Woody enlarged the entrance and made a new one also.
Good for Woody, Fire escape.
Still 5 chicks in the house. They appear healthy.
And always hungry.
Blueberries with beaks.
Is it the same one who was gazing out earlier?
Like the title.
How te heck can I tell? They all look the same to me and that isn’t racist.
Cool. I want a box like that. Can you angle your cam down more so we can see more of what’s on the floor, too?
The feeder has entrance holes on all 4 sides. The v3 is mounted flush on the other side of the feeder with a bracket. If I tilted the camera down the FOV would decrease.
Kettle Moraine Cedar Hanging Bluebird Mealworm Feeder
I mounted it from the bottom using galvanized pipe, flange and an elbow and tossed the hanging wire.
That bird feeder is made literally 20 miles from where I live.
Ah ok. $40. isn’t a bad orice either.
Wings are flapping so hard I thought the bluebird house was going to fly away.
Still 5 chicks.
Getting ready for Launch. You need a yellow sweatshirt and yellow safety vest so you can signal them to go. The helmet for you would be optional for numerous reasons.
My wife and I counted 4 birds. Going back I can’t see one leaving. Soon…
What would be the skeleton crew (absolute minimum personnel) to launch a jet like that off a ship like that?