Bluebirds continued

Neighbors came home from Florida after staying 6 months.

Woody enlarged the entrance and made a new one also.

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:clap: :clap: :clap: Good for Woody, Fire escape. :grin: :grin:

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Still 5 chicks in the house. They appear healthy.


And always hungry. :worm: :worm:

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Blueberries with beaks. :slight_smile:

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Maybe tomorrow they will leave the nest. At least this one might.

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Is it the same one who was gazing out earlier?


Like the title. :slight_smile:

How te heck can I tell? They all look the same to me and that isn’t racist.




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Cool. I want a box like that. Can you angle your cam down more so we can see more of what’s on the floor, too?

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The feeder has entrance holes on all 4 sides. The v3 is mounted flush on the other side of the feeder with a bracket. If I tilted the camera down the FOV would decrease.

Kettle Moraine Cedar Hanging Bluebird Mealworm Feeder

I mounted it from the bottom using galvanized pipe, flange and an elbow and tossed the hanging wire.

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That bird feeder is made literally 20 miles from where I live. :smile:


Ah ok. $40. isn’t a bad orice either.

Wings are flapping so hard I thought the bluebird house was going to fly away.

Still 5 chicks.


Getting ready for Launch. You need a yellow sweatshirt and yellow safety vest so you can signal them to go. The helmet for you would be optional for numerous reasons. :rofl:


My wife and I counted 4 birds. Going back I can’t see one leaving. Soon…

What would be the skeleton crew (absolute minimum personnel) to launch a jet like that off a ship like that?

My best guess is a least 50 not counting the people like me supplying the power to make it happen. The chicks are just checking their engines to see if they have enough power yet so they don’t crash land when they exit the front door for the first time.