Black Cyber Buzzkill Penance 🙏

Flash Sale!

If you’re wondering how hot your meat is, they’re selling things to help you out!

Seriously, the email just came in!


Flack peep work cheep.

A victim of the gig :fork_and_knife: economy.


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I guess it is a matter of opinion.

Wyze cams are cheap enough to buy as brand new with a warranty.

I did take a risk years ago and bought a refurbed Dell XPS i7 laptop with a short warranty. The laptop still works to this day and hopefully tomorrow.

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It was straightforward for me.

I just figured he has a 13’ black and white TV with mono speakers.

Or he could have an 8K ExtremeHD with quadraphonic sound that he doesn’t want to brag about. :thinking:

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:laughing: It’s a tricky question. Like comparing :cut_of_meat::thermometer: s.


Clearly disgruntled. Cheerful customers: disregard. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Cheerful customers get things on time. We’re a priority. :grin:

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Good point. For me it’s a bit-o-fun on occasion :slot_machine: . Just bought three of something refurb I wouldn’t have paid the new price for. (Um, 3 refurb for a little more than the price of 1 new.)

Separately, my position paper on this :slight_smile: :

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Very true. Just like car insurance. Haven’t has a claim in years but gotta have it just in case.

I remember a cashier at Circuit City asked if I wanted to purchase a warranty on a four-pack of D size batteries. I declined.

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Good enough reason, if reason is required.

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I didn’t. I guess I’m not part of the “we”. :grin:

This is why I need more :fishing_pole_and_fish: in my life. That’s my meditation (when I’m not listening to Jason Headley’s “Honest Meditation”).

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Did you sat FISH?

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Yes, Fancy P, I believe I did. :slight_smile:

Hey, look what I got for having a good attitude: Service!!!

Wyze Direct and USPS rocked this delivery. Thanks!


Two good, one bad: an abused/bent spade on one of the plugs on the cabling. Sent it back.

I tested two pretty extensively and they didn’t stumble at all. :+1:

Oh, they are missing the adhesive strip that secures spotlight to cam, not a problem. Otherwise, look brand new.

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The Post office still has not received the V4 that I ordered from WYZE last week. Next time I will just use Amazon.

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Changed this :point_down: from ‘Wyze’ to ‘Wyze Direct’ because probably not the same.

The 1 return is painless so far. We’ll see. :crossed_fingers:

:v3_spotlight: at work:

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I’m going to send WYZE an MFP or a :raccoon: :raccoon:
Order status I just looked at states they shipped it 12-1-2024, USPS says they have not received it.

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Sorry for gloating that I got good service and you didn’t. I’m starting to sound like @ssummerlin needling me about my ‘edge case’ travails while he sits fat and happy inside with climate control and an error-free Wyze setup he ‘doesn’t really need.’ :wink:

I need to follow @IL1’s example :slight_smile: