Black Cyber Buzzkill Penance 🙏

Thank you, friends at Wyze, for the ten buck OG restock - in BLACK!

Way cool of you to be so generous, I had to pay you back. :hugs:

(Bought TWO!)


And @Antonionius kicked-in, as well!

Higher-end as befits his station. :moneybag:

We love you, The Wyze! :kissing_cat:

Live long and prosper. :vulcan_salute:



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Some black hearts are solid dark. Others, only marbled. :slight_smile:

In peep pantry prior to OG purchase.


12 cams
4 bulbs
2 plugs

None (any longer) under warranty.

Did I need another cam or two?

You decide. :slight_smile:

Maybe you should see a doctor. :wink: Get some V4 cams for the Lily pad.

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Yikes. Had to make it small…


…to have any appeal at all.

At full size? Kinda scary. :lab_coat: :stethoscope:

I wonder if @StevenA bought some extra stock. Seems like he’d have cams on hand. :slight_smile:

And the @Crease (if he can ever stop bleeding)

What would HE buy to succor the pantry gods? :wink:

What is/was the best Black Cyber deal they offer/offered… and WHY?

I say OG cuz c’mon. :slight_smile:

Some of your titles remind me of a News Radio episode.


I see watcha mean… :laughing:

This just in (seriously, email arrived as I was posting!)

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No :raccoon: marshmallows for sale on your email. I’'m not buying anything. :laughing:

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I don’t need it, but I’m considering a black Cam v4. I keep thinking of/finding places where a camera can be handy, so I don’t feel like I’ve over-bought…yet.

Yeah, those are pretty tempting, too. :man_shrugging:

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It’s interesting that they’re still selling the v3. A deal during Black Cyber, even. $108 for 4 white with 32G SD cards. :slight_smile:

Have you developed a surveillance dependency, do you think? Would it make you anxious to unplug all ‘eyes’ for a week?

I may try it myself, soon, to find out. I don’t think I have but unplug is the acid test. :cold_sweat:

V3 is all I really need. V4 is overkill for me.

I don’t live in a fortress in a bad neighborhood so I am not dependent on cams. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Unplug for a week keep a journal and get back to me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Sure. Is there any reward beyond your gratitude?

Self awareness, I guess. :grin:

You can keep your fitbit (the health monitoring gizmo is what I mean if that ain’t it) plugged in so we can see if your ‘vitals’ back up your reporting. :wink:

Don’t have one. Seems I would need a better method to report my non-use. A journal could be faked. Guess I would need to buy 8 cameras to record a timelapse of the camera plugs not plugged in.

Is there a log somewhere to show down time?

I don’t even use alerts. I just use the cams to look outside. I can open my shades for a week or just go outside. :thinking:

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