Battery on Duo only lasting a week

I also want to chime in here. Regardless of detection and notification settings, I am also getting 3 to 4 DAYS, rather than the 3 to 6 MONTHS marketed.

I opened a ticket (414144) and uploaded logs. I was then told, in essence, that I was stuck with the camera and could only hope that a new firmware would be released that would fix the issue. No timeframe or ETA was specified. And no determination of battery health would be pursued.
Is this really how Wyze should release a device? How can something like this escape QA? Currently, this is an expensive and time-consuming (given the biweekly battery recharges and replacements) door stop.

I have many, many Wyze products including cameras, which I’m happy with, BTW. This device, though, not at all.



I want to know, from WYZE directly, what settings will get me a three month battery life from the Duo Cam Doorbell. I will open a ticket.

I am probably just repeating what others have said here, but if a device has features that use AI, and they should be able to be used without a significant battery drain. Like I just want it to detect people and packages. I have sound detection off. I don’t have the option for a wired connection, so I have to work off the batteries.

The sole reason I bought this was to replace a old, outdated Ring, and even with the batteries on that, it lasted a MONTH, having a similar setup as this Duo Cam.


Just to clarify, the device itself does not use AI. It uploads every detected event to Wyze servers for analysis. That will consume a lot of battery if there are a lot of extraneous events, which appears to be the cause here due to bugs with sound detections and/or detection zone.


Twood be nice to know under what ideal, lab-controlled situations these specs were obtained.

Hopefully not obtained in a totally dark room with no activity but turned on.

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The specs would be correct under normal circumstances… but the silence from Wyze on the bug that has something to do with Detection Zones / Sensitivity is deafening.

@WyzeJasonJ - You got lots of us wondering what’s up with the NEW doorbell? Can we get some acknowledgement that something is amiss? We just want to know when help will be sent!


I think this doorbell will be their best one if they get this fixed. It checks all the boxes for a doorbell and if it performed like the V2 Doorbell in terms of detection, then it will be perfect.

The 1 thing they added to this that I wish they would add to all the other cameras is the pre-roll on events. It does a good job of padding the event to get the seconds before. Way better than any of the other cameras.

And the 2nd camera has already paid off at my house, even though I can’t leave the AI detection on for it because it will tell me 5,284 times that a package is at my front door… but, I’m sure the fix is coming… any… day… now…

10 print “waiting”
20 goto 10

Agree, this is otherwise a great product. I’m hoping they get out a firmware update for the detection ASAP to solve these issues.

Well, I completely turned off recording of motion events (since a zillion notifications is as useless as none) and can happily report my battery has been sitting at 92% for a couple days! It initially dropped that first 8% in just 1.5 days, recording every 5min as soon as the cooldown was over, which would have been 19-day battery life. So don’t record anything, and the battery will last forever /sarcasm/.

What does the Duo have that the previous model doesn’t have and is depleting the battery fast? Does this model have edge AI just like V3 pro and the floodlight pro?

It has a bug in the software, is what it has. It’s causing to the camera to constantly be recording events regardless of the sensitivity or detection zone settings.


From the other thread it actually seems like if you disable detection zone it might actually record less events (somehow detection zone causes it to start recording sound events). Of course if you have a lot of motion in the field of view, then that won’t help anything.


I went into chat yesterday to try to report the issue and first I got a tutorial on how to charge the battery, if the two lights on the battery were on when I disconnected it from the charging cord, etc… :person_facepalming:t2:
I mean, I don’t think this is a battery issue.
Asked if I had power saving mode on, and I said yes.

They told me also to turn off the detection zone, so it seems they know something.
It doesn’t fix though how many times the Duo Cam is sending notifications to the wi-fi chime, no explanation for that other than the detection zone issue. They told me to just turn on motion events. I was getting notifications of a tree branch, a bird flying by, a squirrel, and a piece of paper in the wind. I would get a notification when a car drove by. It’s fall here, so I was also getting a motion notification every time the wind blew the leaves around. in the span of three hours, I had over 65 notifications.

In the end a few hours later, I was told to turn off all the features that I want to use on the device, that I actually NEED to use…but hey it’s a working doorbell at the least, right? :roll_eyes:


I posted a similar thread. This thing is a disaster so far. I’m happy to report I’ve been able to prolong my battery life by, checks notes, not using this camera in any meaningful way. By turning off essentially all features I’m no longer having to swap the battery in less than a week.

In theory this doorbell should be awesome. So far, this is my worst experience by far with any Wyze product at launch, and I’ve bought a lot. The doorbell was clearly not ready software wise and was rushed out for Wyze Week. If that isn’t the case, then I don’t know what that says about the QA team.

Sorry, rant over.


With this product release and the Wyze 3.5 App release that has not been great… I’m beginning to wonder what is going on?

Radio Silence with Wyze for both of these issues???

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Not a good sign. I could understand lack of response on a weekend but not on a Monday afternoon.

Is today a holiday for the left coast?

Looks like it is for Wyze :rofl:

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They’re busy looking for a scapegoat for this mess.

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So, there was some kind of update in the detections settings that may have something to do with this? I’m referring the the Motion Detection Sensitivity “baseball diamond” at the bottom. I dunno, just trying to figure this out myself, because Wyze has been SILENT on this MAJOR issue.

I saw that-looks like it’s just a visualization for the already-existing sensitivity setting. That’sa good idea since I’ve seen on other threads people debating about which way the slider should be to decrease sensitivity, but it’s not going to impact the battery issue much if at all (I’d tried the slider both ways before they added the visualization, neither made a difference to my battery life)

I think what we’re are looking for is a camera firmware fix to make the detection zone work properly. I’m checking every day for an available firmware update.

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Ah, I figured as much. I have sent Wyze Support a link to this thread asking that they acknowledge the issue and look for a fix for it, since so many people are having issues with it. I’ll let you all know of my response, if I get one.