Battery Cam Pro - need Timelapse ASAP

The exact statement was a little more fluid than guaranteed as late 2023, but they did state they planned to add it:

Timelapse - Yes, we plan to add this function in the future for our power users. We’re aiming for sometime at the end of this year or early next year. u/Bitter-Painter-3661 (8/2/2023)

We are still looking at the end of this year or early next year. u/WyzeDS (10/27/23)

I do not recall seeing any advertisement to that effect though. Where did you see this? They are usually pretty careful lately to ensure they aren’t doing this and don’t make absolute guarantees on timelines because of the risk of entitlement backfire when unforeseen circumstances or obstacles come up. But if you have a source of advertisement promising this, I’ll be happy to use it as leverage to push them to make it a higher priority. I would like this feature ASAP too.

We had an employee comment about this somewhere in 2024, but I am struggling to find the exact source now for some reason (might’ve been Reddit or Discord or part of a different thread on here that went off-topic for this question). As I recall, they said something about how they still planned to add timelapse, but that they had some kind of obstacle come up that pushed their timeline back a little bit further than they expected.

When I brought timelapse for previous products like the Floodlight Pro, etc. They mentioned that they didn’t originally add the timelapse feature on some of the cameras because their analytics showed them that the timelapse feature is actually used by a very small minority of edge users, and is almost never touched by an overwhelming majority of their users. Only a few people really ever use it, and so it didn’t appear to be worth the resources it took to make the feature compatible for some of the new products when it was rarely used by most of their userbase. They like to give priority to features that benefit and are used by the majority of their users. However, it is a popular feature among a certain important sub-group of users, so they said they would add these features anyway for those of us who do love to use them.

To help explain what I mean about important small subgroups, there was an issue a few years ago where the Wyze Home Assistant integration was used by only between 1,000-10,000 individual instances. It was a TINY fraction of Wyze’s millions of users of their services. Less than a percent. However, this tiny less than 1% of users was using more than 50% of the traffic to Wyze’s servers. So, even though they are a very, very TINY minority of their customers, they were a HUGE and very important subgroup of their users. Most of Wyze’s users may only have 1 or a couple devices, but these home assistant users had dozens to hundreds of devices (I have over 300 Wyze devices). This is the TYPE of thing they mean by a “power user”…power users may not be the majority, but they are still a very important subgroup for them and have a ton of devices and love to use features the majority of others might not care about or use. That is what they are talking about.

I would say they were definitely including you in their general statement. It’s not a rigid definition or anything. They were just making a point of how even though it is something used by only a very small group of people (compared to the MILLIONS of others), you/we are still an IMPORTANT group for them, so they were going to work on adding this for us because they know it is something many of us want.

All that matters is they said theyre going to add it. So that IS an advertisement. My old battery cam had it, they wanted me to get the new one. I did. I lost features I used. I just need to know if its going to happen or not so I can move on.

This why I only buy products for what they CURRENTLY do, rather than what I hope they may or may not do later. If something doesn’t do what I want it to upon purchase, I return it, at least until it does what I need it to do. Never settle for a product in the hopes it may eventually be satisfying one day.

Having said that, Wyze last publicly said they still PLAN to add timelapse to the Battery Cam Pro eventually. I will make a reminder to myself to remember to bring this up to them again when they next do another public AMA. It’s been a while since they’ve had one (3/28/2024), so hopefully another one will be coming up soon.

#AMA2ASK (reminder to myself to request another official statement the next time they have a public AMA event)

Point is we asked about it when we upgraded and they promised it. That was nearly a year ago. One problem is the loss of feature, thats take it or leave. The next issue is delivering.

Ya, we had a house moved off a property and wanted that on vid, I purposely replaced all the older outdoor cams with the new for a better pic quality. Then found out. Currently on my back deck we have a tomato plant and to watch it grow I have to actually go outside and look at it when the wife says “how’s the tomato doing”. Now it’s all grown up and we missed its childhood.

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That is a magnificent view. I can see how relaxing that would be.

Thanks, it’s nice, fortunately the house faces west, so the deck is best for afternoon / evening use. But we have a retractable awning that shades it from about 9am if needed. I ripped out the original 4 year old deck and this is my “I’m stuck at home during COVID with nothing to do, took me over 6 months to build deck”. It took 3 months just to get 24ft trex after I had already demoed the old deck ( I didn’t want joints ). To the right is a city that we can’t see or hear about 6 miles away, but we get the best view of every fireworks event.
This reminded me that the wife told me to bring up the cushions.

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Well? Its been almost a year now.

Yeah, we definitely need an update on this. I’m going to make myself a reminder to ask about this in their next AMA if we haven’t heard anything by then.

(Asked 10/25/24)

Time lapse on my battery cam would be great right about now…

Firstly I’m sorry you live in FL. I just got back from 2 weeks in WPB and dog darn I do not miss that poo hole of miserable people. I was going to spend another week, but with the storm coming - I bailed. I did spend 2 days on the lake on the drive home, which was nice to see the afternoon storms roll in. We’ve always called hurricanes. “natures urban renewal and cleanup program”. The metal roof ( plus all new furniture and interior rehab) we got in 2005 is still looks like new on the lake house from hurricane Charlie, Francis and Jeanne in 2004. The shingles and wood are probably still somewhere in lake Istokpoga and the neighbors never rebuilt their 1950’s fish camps, netting us the two adjacent lakefront lots cheap in 2008 when the market crashed.
I don’t want anyone hurt by storms, but the people on the news after storms that say “we didn’t think it would be this bad” (based on listening to an idiot neighbor) after being told by NWS for a week “it’s going to be bad” is kinda standard fare. The “we just weren’t warned enough of how bad it wound be” - no - nope, you chose to ignore and are now blaming someone else.
Stay safe, my kids are expecting 8 inches of rain where they live, it won’t flood their property - they may be stuck home for a few days and loose a weekend of business.

What storm? Looks liked it will miss WPB?

May see some rain but nothing to run away from.

I think your just jealous of the best State. :slight_smile:

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I’m I’m panhandle. It may be a hurricane but sadly my battery cam won’t time lapse it…

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No I solidly mean s-hit hole. The heat has baked the brains of the retired flockers into people their kids won’t even visit.

Their race track is north, it gets flooded often. So they won’t be able to open.

I would agree. Although there are better places than WPB.

Good luck in the panhandle. I live in South Florida. It’s not for everyone, but I like it here in paradise.

I’d rather be closer to the beach, but certainly panhandle is a little calmer. South Florida is getting too full. Anyway, manual timelapse will just have to do.

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I can agree with that.

Weather looks nice out.

You do know how storms work, ? amirite. A gulf storm close in sucks its moisture offshore from the east side ( because that’s how storms rotate ) it’s known as the dirty side (right front quadrant) of the storm which is over SoFla now. They will see 6 inches ( and maybe double that ) rain over the next 36 hours. SFWMD started canal pump down 16 hours late and have informed commercial stakeholders and EM to expect significant flooding. Plus the tornado warnings have started to pop up. Which is the most significant parts of a tropical storm / hurricane is the flooding and tornadoes. The area is currently saturated from weeks of rain as well.