Basic Timelapse on Wyze Battery Cam Pro

The Wyze Battery Cam Pro does not have the “timelapse” feature. There are no Wyze outdoor battery-powered cameras with the timelapse feature. This is frustrating, as I want to use one to document an outdoor construction project. Paired with the solar panel, this camera would be perfect for long-term image capture on a scheduled timelapse, but they have left this feature out of this particular device. Please add it!


Same here…I’ve got a project starting in a week or so and I’ve had my fingers crossed for the past 6 months hoping Timelapse would be enabled.
I’m thinking of ways to get power to a ‘normal’ camera for the Timelapse.

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Sure there is. I have four of the Version 1 WYZE Cam Outdoor and it has Time Lapse setting to record to the SD card in the camera.

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For those wanting the time lapse feature on the battery-cam-pro , do visit this wishlist and give it a vote to show support!

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