Base station has constant flashing blue light. And Cam v2’s are not connected anymore. Help?
I now see the blue box notice at top of this page that talks about outage on Feb 16. That would be about time i first noticed my problem. Is this still possible issue?
Are you oonnected via Ethernet or WiFi?
I would remove Power from the Base station and turn off the camra, then plug an ethernet cable into the base station and turn it back on. When or if the blue light becomes steady, then turn on the camera and try to get it connected as well.
WiFi currently. Can’t remember intial setup connection. I will try your suggestion.
When i connected Base Station to router with ethernet, the blue light became steady. Tried to sync Camera, and failed to sync.
Disconnected BS from router and blue light started blinking.
You didn’t delete the cam from the app when it was not on line did you?
All the information for the WCO v1 and v2 may be found here, setup, of base and cam, FAQ and trouble shooting.
I have never tried to use the base on Wi-Fi since all 4 of my version 1 WCO cams work just fine with the base on ethernet. They never went off line when the 2/16 issue occurred either.
I had 3 cams connected to the base. In 2022 I set up the base by WiFi, so i could reach the other side of the yard. All 3 cams and the base went offline at the same time.
So, my base has now reconnected online when hardwired. but Cam did not sync, even when hardwired to the base.
No, i did not delete the cam .
Have you looked to see what the firmware version is on the camera? I had one V3 that would not come back after the 2/16 issue and it was showing firmware for a floodlight cam? I did a factory reset and got the cam back
The WCO doesn’t really have a factory reset, only the power switch on the back of the camera. I would try to flash the firmware on one of the cams and see if it will come back on line. Use a SD card 32GB or smaller with the FAT32 format.
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