Installed my new Floodlight V2 and 3 days later my umbrella has smashed it during a wind storm. (See video) Had to put the camera housing and floodlights back together but one of the floodlights is dead. Is it worth taking apart and trying to reconnect the wiring. I’m assuming the wiring to the flood light is severed somewhere since it was hanging by the wires when I put it back in. It looked fine but obviously is not. Don’t know if anybody’s attempted to do this before or if I’m better off just buying a new one? I hate to throw the thing out since everything else works. The funny part is that I got this specifically because the floodlights were brighter than the previous floodlight that I had up. Now the single working floodlight is just as anemic as the old light.
Amazing aim.
Attack Umbrella
You could probably take it apart but I don’t know if you could make it water resistant any longer it depends. If the wires got pulled loose or broken in the base it would be an easy fix, if is inside the camera that would be more difficult. I say take it apart.
Don’t forget to turn the power off prior to work.
I mean, if those are your 2 options, then it absolutely can’t hurt to take it apart and try.
Also, if you do, please post pictures!
After you take the floodlight down, rather than having to go mount it again to test every time you make a change, you can make your life easier If you have a cheap old extension cord, computer cord, or surge protector or something, you could cut off the end of that cord and use it to connect to the floodlight while you’re operating on it. Just leave it unplugged while you mess with wiring, then when you want to test if your fiddling fixed the issue, then plug it into an indoor outlet nearby. If it’s still not working, just unplug it and go back to fiddling with some new place, etc. That’s what I would do.
I actually usually setup most of my floodlights this way. I connect them to an extension cord wire, then set them up, then unplug it and go install it in place, turn it back on and everything is ready.