Article from IPVM - The world's leading video surveillance information source

Putting this out because I hadn’t heard anything from Wyze. They’ve been so transparent up to now.

Posting it here because we believe in the company and the product. Also we are a smaller more involved audience.

[Wyze Fires Back at JCI - Your Patents Are Invalid, Pay All Of Our Costs](http://Wyze Fires Back at JCI - Your Patents Are Invalid, Pay All Of Our Costs )

The best way for any company to handle a lawsuit is to let their lawyers do any talking. Anything Wyze says can and will be used against them.


@wayneluke is correct. Wyze will most likely not make public statements about this on the forum or social media because it could affect their case.


Pretty much safe to ignore (for us) any lawsuits from known Patent trolls like JCI. They come with the territory.


Wyze is pretty transparent about their products and customer issues, etc, but I wouldn’t expect most companies to comment too much on legal issues.

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Companies cant comment on pending litigation. Any company that did so would not be a company I would want to do business with. Their legal beagles will tell them when and what they can comment on.