Are the Wyze Sensors wildly unreliable for everyone else?

I have had the same problems with my contact sensors and motion sensors, having to reboot my Android phone and Wyze Cam Pan and Wyze Cam to get their related sensors to turn back on.

I also have other Wyze product problems, including the Wyze Cam Pan giving out a loud noise occasionally that sounds like gears stripping but seems to be coming from the speaker instead.

I cannot get my Wyze Bulbs to mate consistently with my wifi. They worked okay when I first set them up, but they seem to be “worn out” now and won’t connect any more.

It may be normal, but the Wyze Cam Pan often goes into a “reorienting mode” where it scans 360 degrees and then recenters itself.

Hope the “Wyze men” can come up with updates to solve all these problems.

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It has happened to me as well, but the thing I noticed is most times it is the sensors that are farthest away from the bridge, so I just moved the bridge closer to the sensors and that stopped a lot of the issues, wish they would sell the bridges separately though still have some sensors that are out of range of my bridge so another bridge would help but can only purchase them if you buy the whole starter pack again.

Have this problem as well. Got my sensor starter kit early on. One is ~20 feet from the bridge, the other ~6 feet. No major obstructions. Not sure why they drop connection…

Haven’t tried replacing batteries in the sensors yet. Maybe I’ll do that.

I did replace my batteries, but the problem still occurs.

When it happened to me, I thought the problem was with the sensors or the batteries in the sensors. It was not. if you check your Waze application, you might find that the battery level is adequate. In my case, the problem was that the camera housing the bridge lost contact with the system router. I relocated the camera and bridge, and it’s solved all the problems. I do not care to video inside my home, so I have the one camera acting as the bridge host with a posted over the camera lens. If I go on vacation, I can just pull the post it off and have a view of the inside of the house.

After working pretty much flawlessly for over a year, (with the exception of a couple of batteries needing to be replaced on the most active sensors),
The last month or so, my sensors have been offline more than they’ve been online… (With no change in the app the app reads them as being fine… But they don’t trigger routines, they don’t do anything), it’s so frustrating…
usually power cycling the camera with the bridge in it will bring them all back… but as of today, I’ve power cycled both cameras… (I have them split between two v2’s, none of the contact sensors or motion sensors are more than 30 or 40 ft from the camera with the bridge in it that they are connected to The signal strength is never been an issue),

Today, I’ve rebooted them five or six times …the sensors won’t come back… they read online in the app though… battery fine, signal fine, I can’t get them to connect… this is so frustrating…

If I have to go around and reset them all up and then rebuild all the routines I’ve set up Well I’m just not going to do that they’ll all go down and go in the junk drawer sad thing is there’s 20 of them and I have 13 V2 cameras… and 3 pan-cams, they’re still working great… but the Sense contact sensors and motion detectors have become completely unreliable…

It’s driving me crazy because they were working great for so long they’ve been no changes and I have set up so many routines and automated so many things… it was so great to be able to walk into a room have a light come on… walk out of that room have a light go off …know when the garage door was open… etc etc now nothing’s working…

I’m ready to give up on them… (And yes, I even rebooted the router, which didn’t do a thing - except knocked everything else I have offline for 15 or 20 minutes, until the Wi-Fi rebooted… but it didn’t bring the sensors back… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::rage:

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Sorry to hear about your problems; I have had similar ones. You have had your units longer than me, and I am starting to have problems, so I will probably also have a complete system breakdown during the next year too. I wonder if Wyze has a component aging and failure problem- perhaps their suppliers use inferior components. My Wyze Bulbs seem to stop communicating after a time also, just like the growing problem with the sensors. There is also a possibility that program upgrades are causing these breakdowns in some Wyze products that several people have been reporting recently. I hope Wyze investigates why this is happening and finds a solution soon that will make our Wyze products function properly again.

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I too am looking for an alternative. My dayze with Wyze are coming to an end. My small investment over the years is becoming a pain to manage. It seems as though every week something goes off line or just stops. This week my sensors stopped and won’t connect. Rather than spend time troubleshooting, I live without.

Many times it is the network and not the devices. If the bridge loses connection with a router, then all your sensors connected to the bridge stop working. You can check on your phone whether the batteries in each device are okay or not. I suggest experimenting with relocating your bridge to see if that helps. Keep in mind that some internet service providers like Verizon FIOS have modems that automatically switch between 2.4 and 5G based on your network’s traffic in an effort to manage your network for you.This results in some devices being switched over to 5G, and many devices work only on 2.4. My problems were solved by going into the routers administrative section and turning off the automatic switching. I put the televisions, tablets, and computers on the 5G for fast data transfer, and all the WYZE devices on the 2.4 which has better range for the devices. With the switching turn off, everything stays on its own speed and the router doesn’t try to change the setup. My issues disappeared. It doesn’t matter so much what brand devices are on the network if the network has a problem.

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It doesn’t matter so much what brand devices are on the network if the network has a problem.

I disagree here - I have had Arlo Pro v2 cameras longer than my Wyze products and I never have reliability issues with them. They’re located at the very edge of the 2.4GHz range my router can provide and I don’t have issues with them going down. Wyze cams on the other hand are wired, so they’re much closer to the router in proximity, and yet it regularly drops connection overnight (not during peak usage - note) and appears “offline” as well as the connected bridge and sensors. No notification that anything went down or went offline. I had to find it out myself and then go through the process of restarting the Wyze cam multiple times to get them all back online.

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I will agree with this. If the network or internet feed is garbage, it doesn’t matter how expensive/good the devices are that you plug into it. Performance & reliability will still be garbage.

And I will also agree with @BMovieBen here.

In my experience, certain brands/devices handle marginal network conditions a lot better than other brands/devices. They are more forgiving of high/low ambient temps, high pings, data corruption, slow speeds, moisture, RF interference, idiot users, etc, etc.

They use better components and/or have better error correction built into the hardware/software.

In my experience, Wyze products fall into the category of “low cost but not very fault tolerant.” In optimal conditions, they can perform amazingly well, and are a great value. But a bad connection, etc will take them down enough that you cannot count on them in every situation.

So, suggesting ways to improve one’s LAN/internet speed/reliability is very useful for many.

But for many other people it’s easier/cheaper to replace the Wyze part of the equation. Especially the group of people who are/were here who need cams to monitor farms and rural vacation cabins, etc.


Me too. I can not depends on them. In my case, I assume it’s the bridges. I’m using two bridges and 4 motion sensors. I have to reboot the cameras about once a week. Sometimes I have to remove the sensors first, then reboot the cameras.

If I ever find a reliable motion sensor that works consistently I’ll buy them.

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Ok. To be fair, I have a motion sensor and a contact sensor setup in my shop. They are all within 30’ of the bridge and in range of the WiFi router in another building. Each sensor is associated to an action IFTTT and available by voice for the named device to the smart speaker. (Bandsaw=Wyze Bulb) (Bathroom= Wyze Plug)

  1. Motion ->Wyze Plug turns on fluorescent light for a few minutes/ then off
  2. Contact->Wyze Bulb turns on band saw light when the blade is tensioned

These 2 sensor systems have been very stable since I set them up many months ago. Dec2019? Occasionally I have to power cycle the Wyze bulb and the system returns to its intended setup. Both get a lot of use, and are still running on the original batteries.

yes 10 cameras 2 houses lots of sensors over 2 years… getting more and more failures and new types too…writings on the wall…so sorry but fixes are not coming in our lifetime…

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oh jason

I have the same problem, every2-3 days all of the sensors go offline. I do not have a large house and have Eero mesh so I have to notice something amiss, and then unplug the bridge or camera that it is plugged into, and then let them reboot. The stability has been frustrating. If Wyze could address this somehow through firmware, or some other notification, this would at least address the problem when it happens.
I’m trying to think of a way to use IFTTT or Webcore to alert me of the Bridge being down. I don’t think I should have to constantly be checking on my app top see if they are on or offline.


Exactly, I could list a plethora of other issues but that would be viewed as complaining. My expectation was that some of these more serious shortcomings would be addressed before new products were being developed and marketed or at least simultaneously. I know it’s easy to sit back and criticize but I did software development during the last 24 years in the marketplace so I’ve seen a variety of quality and otherwise development outcomes and results. They have done some impressive things make no mistake, but like musicianship the curve goes up dramatically from a decent player to a virtuoso.

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Yeah workarounds with more software implementation telling you that hardware and software have failed somewhere else did a lot of that too. Problem is I have houses in different states with this hardware and if you can’t be on site to reset things you’re just flat out of luck if it requires power cycle or other.

I have three Wyze cameras, they always work on the 13 second events, but often not on live views and will not show extended events using the SD card when they won’t show live views, I don’t know what the connection is with that. For unexplained reasons they sometimes work on live views and are able to access the SD card, but many times they do not. It has nothing to do with the WiFi connection or the type of tablet being used. I also have Ring cameras and alarm system in use on the same equipment used by the Wyze with no problems. I’m beginning to think it’s a Wyze software problem.