The former does not clear the Wyze video folder of accumulated clips as does the latter.
And as it happens, the Hardware Decoder setting was OFF - turning it on definitely improves performance on this tablet (especialy when viewing footage from SD, unusable without it.)
We were having a crash problem with 2.0.18 and went to the app store and updated the app 2.0.21 and that worked as well. Not that having 1700+ events files won’t make the app crash too I suppose.
Do you happen to remember the path of that folder with 1700 files you cleared?
Could you also check for me if there’re files saved in exact folder when you watch more videos?
I’m guessing there’re two cache video folders created (with different paths) with the same name. The video watched are saved in folder A whereas when you clear cache, folder B will be cleared.
After I cleared it, I observed it as I viewed a few event videos. The video files populated the folder 1:1.
I didn’t see any evidence of two different cache folders (though I run with google photos sync off. ) The 1700+ files amounted to some 2.5G in storage which was nice to recover.
BTW, app uninstall/reinstall didn’t clear that folder, so if you go over the app threshold, you get the crash and gotta delete 'em manually.