Any wired video doorbell with SD Card working with webview?

I have the video doorbell pro working with a transformer, but it does not work with webview so is there any wired doorbell that does work with webview which uses SD Card please?

So guys, the Support said yesterday:

Wyze Duo Cam Doorbell has an SD card slot and it is supported with the Wyze Web View feature. Please note that you will need to have a Cam Plus or Cam Unlimited subscription to use Wyze Web View. You can hardwire the device or use the battery.

Only thing remains in question is if the specific transformer I had purchased [link below] which is currently working with my Video doorbell PRO will work with the duo cam? I am waiting on their Support specialists team to confirm.

Thanks for trusting me enough to request input from your other topic. :bowing_man:

That depends on what you mean about “working” with Web View. Video Doorbell Pro works with Web View but only for viewing Events. Your current options for Wyze doorbells that allow both Live Stream and have local recording to microSD are Video Doorbell v2 and Duo Cam Doorbell, so your choice would really depend on what features you’re seeking. Here’s a comparison chart:

I wouldn’t expect any problems. The output listed on the transformer looks adequate, and in your case I’d probably pick the Duo Cam Doorbell over the Video Doorbell v2 (and I really like my v2!) because you wouldn’t be wiring it to an existing built-in mechanical chime, and Duo Cam Doorbell includes the new Wi-Fi Chime, which can be used with other Wyze cameras (including doorbells), as well. I believe that Duo Cam Doorbell is also fairly comparable in size to your current Video Doorbell Pro and that Video Doorbell v2 would be smaller (if that matters).

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[quote=“Crease, post:3, topic:321046”]
That depends on what you mean about “working” with Web View. [Video Doorbell Pro works with Web View but only for viewing Events.]

Thanks for the vote of confidence on the transformer which is what I am thinking too.

To clarify, the video doorbell pro does not show in the live webview with my other back camera and I need to have both cams showing in webview.

What if I want to use the Video Doorbell V2, Would I be able to wire it to my transformer linked to, can you use it with the live webview and will you be able to view the SD Card’s video on a pc desktop without having to remove the SD Card from the doorbell to plug into a pc?

Yeah, that’s why I included the link which should’ve highlighted text in the Help Center article specifying that Video Doorbell Pro works only for Events (not Live Stream) in Web View.

Yes, that should work.

Yes, the Help Center article I linked earlier should’ve made that clear, and I can personally see live video from my Video Doorbell v2 when I log into Web View now with a Cam Unlimited trial currently on my account.

You could do that on a PC, but you’d have to attach your phone to the PC somehow (I use scrcpy to run my phone from my Linux desktop after connecting the two with a USB cable) or run some kind of Android emulator on the PC with the Wyze app installed on that (such as Windows Subsystem for Android while it’s still available). At least those are the easiest ways I’m aware of to do that. The key is that you need to be able to control the Wyze app from your PC, because currently that’s the only way (as far as I know) to access the microSD recordings while the card is still in the camera or doorbell. There are Wishlist items requesting remote access to microSD, but that’s not something that’s immediately available outside the app.

Two things you may want to consider if you’re thinking about a Video Doorbell v2:

  • Video Doorbell v2’s microSD card access slot is on the side of the device, and that’s something that drew complaint after it was released. (Because of that, there was interest in a cover. I ended up fabricating an angled mount for mine, which includes a slot cover.) Duo Cam Doorbell has the slot on the back, so it’s potentially more secure, and removing Duo Cam Doorbell from its mount is easily accomplished with the included Detaching Pin (or you could even use a paperclip).
  • That model is intended for use with a home’s built-in chime and doesn’t include a remote wireless chime like Video Doorbell (v1) or Video Doorbell Pro. If you have certain Wyze Cam models, you can use those as accessory chimes for Video Doorbell v2. Duo Cam Doorbell can also do this, and it includes a wireless chime so it’s ready to go out of the box if you don’t already have other chime options to use. I mention this because you’re using a plug-in transformer that you added and not using an existing transformer-to-chime-box configuration.
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