Wyze Video Doorbell V2 dealbreaker

I was about to purchase the Wyze Video Doorbell V2 to replace the original Wyze Video Doorbell, until I realized the SD card slot is on the side of the device, not the back. Why? What was Wyze thinking? This is so frustrating. Does anyone know if they will come out with a version 3 any time soon? They just keep dropping the ball on these video doorbells. The fact that the original video doorbell didn’t even come with an SD card slot was even more frustrating. I love their cameras, but the video doorbells are just not being very well thought out when they are being designed. This is just my opinion. Overall, I still love the Wyze ecosystem. I’m just not too fond of the way they keep designing the video doorbells.


I agree that the slot location should be on the back of the unit instead of the side, still it’s pretty easy to simply pop the entire unit off the mounting bracket (no tools required)

I would prefer that Wyze ran the mounting screws through the entire unit.


After my rant, I did end up purchasing it :sweat_smile: I realized, since I will be installing the video doorbell at an angle, the SD card is difficult to remove. Regardless, like you said, it’s not difficult to remove the video doorbell anyway. So, putting the SD card slot on the back of the camera wouldn’t matter since you can easily remove the video doorbell. For the low price of $45, I can deal with those issues.


Not to denigrate your concern, but realistically who would bother to remove the SD card and if they did what would they get? There’s so much fear propagated by the news these days that people see problems that really are not statistically realistic. We just don’t have statistical brains

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