I would like to have an option for lights to flash and siren to go off when deer or other animals get in the yardj
You can do this with an automation. Whenever my gate camera detects a vehicle I have my back yard camera siren go off to let me know if I’m outside, and all my wyze bulbs flash either bright white or red if they’re the color bulbs. This, in turn, sets off my kids and they start making lots of noises about it in case I didn’t hear the siren or see the lights.
Thanks, I don’t have the bulbs. I was hoping the Wyze 3 camera’s built in light and siren could be set to go of as we live in the country and have lots of deer eating “everything “!
I used to hang AOL cds in my garden. When they move in the wind and light reflects off them it scares the deer. You can also sprinkle some wolf urine around the garden to freak them out. I used to get it at gander mountain.
You have the kids on automation as well
Thanks for the chuckle
@jbordelon automation is spot on. I don’t have any v3’s left so I tried it on a v4.
Works great. I have a bird Feeder and a nightly visitor is Pepe Le Pew (a possum). It has a voracious appetite. I tried turning on the spotlight but the birds and pepe laughed and said thanks for illuminating our dinner. Top shelf.
I would add the siren but after about an hour all three neighbors would start throwing rocks.
p.s. Tested in my office. Siren scared me. Dog bolted out of the office and hid. It is LOUD.
You named a Possum after a
My nightly possum gang would be offended.
LOL. Sorry to you and the gang.
That’s why you are supposed to eat the . Steaks, burgers, roast, sausage, all good lean meat.
How much to rent a kid?
Mine are not for rent.
You wouldn’t want mine. To expensive!
I have a damn possum living nearby who poops in my backyard like a dog. Now that I think about it, I’d like to re-locate him…