I think an explanation is in order here. In Event Only mode, you are not limited to 1 minute. The SD card will keep recording in 1 minute intervals as long as motion continues. I don’t really see the value of recording for another, say, 10 minute after the motion has stopped during the 1st minute. Do you have a use case for that?
Or perhaps you are asking for the size of the file segments to be adjustable? Let us know if that’s the case. However, if so, I doubt you’re going to see that change as the 1-minute segments are integral to the design of the firmware and are involved in the caching of video before it is written to the card.
Yes I have a case for recording longer and feel it’s critical if the cameras are being used for security. I’ll give one example.
Say you have a camera watching your driveway and the detection zone is set to a narrow field to eliminate traffic on the road, birds flying by, neighbor dog, etc. Your real interest is detection zone. Highest sensitivity. A car pulls in and stops at xx;xx;55 and no further movement in the detection zone. You get 1 minute of recording showing the car pulling in and stopping at the end of the minute segment. When the car leaves you get another 1 minute of recording. In between the two 1 minute segments, activity outside of the detection zone is missing. Was there another car stopped on the road? Was there related activity outside the zone?
IF I could record 10+ minutes I would know.
What I don’t understand is as a user I pay for the SD card and only have two options to use it. 1 minute segments or continuous.
The segment length should just be a caching variable in the firmware, I don’t see how it would be integral to the design.
Thanks for your help, just trying to help make a great product even better!
Longer file sizes would require more memory usage in the camera to store the longer cached segments before they are written to the card. That’s how it affects the design.
But you aren’t really asking for bigger files. You’re just asking for more 1 minute files to be saved after a motion trigger. The detection zone reason for that makes sense. So I’ve moved this topic over to #roadmap so you and others can vote for it.
I would like to see a user selectable recording length as well. I am a private investigator and use small cameras every day. I have used many different small IP cameras and they all have user selectable record length, most up to 60 minutes, a few limited to 5 minute clips, but the Wyze is the ONLY camera that I have come across that limits the clip length to 1 minute.
This has kept me from using the Wyze cameras for any of my projects. Although you say the clips can be joined, there will always be a “hiccup” at the splice point. When presenting video during a legal proceeding, each “hiccup” raises a question from the opposing council.
Additionally, the time required to review 7 days of video (that’s 168 hours and with the current limitation, 10,080 individual clips at 1 minute) is insane.
I would prefer to see up to a 60 minute option but even 5 minute clips would be a total game changer in my industry.
Unless my recordings are not working correctly, when the memory card gets full after Continuous Recording, it starts over and deletes the entire recording so sometimes I can’t go back just a day because the recording is gone. I have a 128GB memory card installed and it works great and will store several weeks of Continuous Recordings but once it is full, the entire recording is deleted and started over.
It would be nice to be able to set a video segment size (in hours or days) so that it would just delete old segments to make space for new videos. At a minimum it would be nice that the recordings had a Wize default segment size but even better if users could set their own size.