All cameras are off-line

I was told by the craws that they’ve moved south for the winter :slight_smile:

My camera woes were Wyze related. An hour after I left, I stopped for a coffee and checked the cameras. They were connected and running as usual. When I got home, my home cameras were doing the same. Totally different network, ISP and router. I powered them off and happily showed a blue light. When I opened the Wyze app on my phone I got greeted with the dreaded message “Failed to update device list”. My rule shortcut icons on the top did not load, so no rules, no rules means no talking to Wyze servers. I quit the app, relaunched it and everything was fine. Ten minutes later, same message. Same woes. For the past twenty minutes everything is working fine, both locations. Will see how it goes.

Here is one of many posts about “Failed to update device list”, a known issue to Wyze that they keep on fixing and it keeps on coming back.

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