Is there a way to have Alexa switch modes in the thermostat, preferably with a routine? I can have her set a temp, either by voice or routine, but not a mode.
I was trying to see if I could have her change the mode when I turned “Guard” on.
Also, is there a way to set the temperature range by voice? I can say “make it warmer”, and she’ll adjust the range up by one degree. Or else I can set the temperature to a specific degree, but I don’t know if that sets the exact temperature or just adjusts the temperature range. In other words, if I say set the temperature to 72 does that set the temperature to 72, or does that set the temperature range to, let’s say, 69 to 74?
Thanks for the reply. But i thought I pretty much stated I do both of those already (I made a mistake in that "make it warmer"adjusts the range by two degrees, not one).
By mode, I mean home, away, sleep.
I already have a routine that raises the temperature to a specific degree, and for a specific amount of time, when I say “I’m taking a shower”.
Similar question… when I say “Alexa, goodnight,” all my lights turn off and I want the routine to also set my Wyze thermostat to sleep. Please add support for this!