3 garage doors (Wyze Cam v3 w Garage Controller Bundle) in 3 locations all work with 4 digit pin in Google Home. 2 linked to one account - have removed and put on separate account. Unable to control garage door with Alexa App and only one function with Alexa Assistant…
When configured with Alexa, they won’t work as advertised! Error message from Alexa Assistant: “Garage Door doesn’t support that”…
I would continue to recommend Wyze but emailing Wyze support has been slow and responses unhelpful and useless. They just waste so much time - big delays of 3-5 days between responses (must be in Philippines?) as write long-winded messages attempting to be polite but just becomes insulting. PLEASE be concise and value your customers time!
Except: ““Hello sir, I am writing to give you an update to our previous conversation for the issue that remains outstanding and unresolved. I am sorry if my last response could not provide a satisfactory result and I will try harder next time to make sure you are happy with the range of products that we are offering our valued customers such as yourself.””
Huh??? All these words but you’re not saying anything!!
What have I done?
I have tried unlinking and relinking through Alexa app
, disabling skill, re-enabling skill, linking thru Wyze app
, relinking thru Wyze app again.
I have tried restarting the Wyze controller
Tried restating Alexa speaker.
Tried restarting Asus RT-AX82U router.
Tried open door, close door, check door status
No firmware updates for a Wyze controller. No software updates.
Unlink and relink Wyze through Google Home app. No charges.
What is the status of garage door? “Garage door doesn’t support that”
Is garage door open? “Garage door doesn’t support that”
Is garage door closed? “garage door doesn’t support that”
Close garage door! “okay”
Open garage door! “garage door doesn’t support that”
Tried opening garage with Alexa app… USELESS! Alexa has no options to open or close!
No accessible access control logs. Nothing! Interface is so crippled! And they want $20/month???
Annoying that Google Home craps all over Alexa’s interface, but Alexa has features I just wish G Home would adopt! -
Tested command with Google Assistant via voice. Verbal pin “9696” OK
Tested open/close/status via Google Home app. OK
Tested open/close/status via Wyze. OK
Tried changing PIN # in Google Home app “9696” > “6969”. OK
Test open door with NEW PIN “6969” on Google Assistant. Ok
Test open door with ALEXA Assistant. No request for a pin??
Renamed “garage door” to “garage”, then to “door”, and even changed name to “window”!!! No changes.
Unlinked. Disabled. Relinked again & again.
Wyze app shows device status as “Online”. No red bar with network issues. Can turn Wyze controller off and on via app (the poorly placed power button that should be under settings, and open/close button down instead!). Does not fix the issue.
Ready again with Google Assistant: Hey google, open the window… “Can I have your pin?” 6969… “okay”. No issues with Google Home.
BIG QUESTION: How would I set the pin if I didn’t have Google Home?? Google Home asks you to set pin during adding and setup. But not via Alexa app!? Seems to be ZERO ability or functionality to set PIN # thru Alexa.
Given garage door successfully closes with Alexa, but cannot open or return any device status verbally (nor open / close via Alexa app), I can only assume Alexa does not support Wyze… Or Wyze does not support Alexa!
Would appreciate any help from the community! Thank you.