Album download progress font almost illegible

This has been an issue for me since the beginning, and curious about why it hasn’t been addressed yet. When downloading a video form the Album, the background is a white image and the progress font is white so it is very hard to know what is happening, or not happening… A simple font color change or background change would fix this. Am I the only one? I haven’t been able to find anything in the forum.

I haven’t noticed this specific issue, but I’ve advocated elsewhere on the Forum for increased use of contrasting color cues in the app’s UI:

There’s a Wishlist topic collecting future app ideas, and what you’re suggesting seems like it might fit there:

I’ve made color enhancement suggestions there, too. Feel free to add your own comments/ideas and click/tap the Vote button above the initial post.

Thank you for sharing this!


Vote for this topic too:


It has long been a problem. No “resolution” in sight.

No. The entire Wyze color scheme is HORRIBLE. Maybe it works for 25 year olds, but not so well for older people. It is very obvious that Wyze has not intent on fixing this. It has been requested countless times.

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I believe you are correct.

It took years to get dark mode, but there was hope.

Unfortunately there is no hope for this request. :worried:

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