After firmware update, all v2 cam’s offline

I’ve downloaded the bin files. How do i apply it to the camera.

FWIW all my v2s started “showing” offline on app about 2 months ago. But if you open cam on app, it’s running… it’s recording to SD card and I’m getting alerts. Funny thing was just ONE camera had went offline and I went online looking to see if others had same issue/if there was a fix. One option was to add to a GROUP – so I did – I put all my V2s in a group. And then they were having MORE issues so I ungrouped them and then all THREE V2s went “offline”… I gave up and am just dealing with it.

Try to clean your cache, and make sure that your app is current and sign out of app,then re boot your device and sign back in,i updated all my cameras yesterday and only had 1 V3 that was an issue,so i unplug it and plugged it back and works fine

Same here, OFFline screen V2

I had unplug and replug.
it got code 90. flashing blue led.
V2 became useless. I had plug and unplug almost 30 times.
if camera works with basic functions. do not unplug.

Took me 2 weeks of pesting Wyze to get v2 back. on line with OFFline screen.

I had also Flashing back to older firmware , same problem. cannot connect during initial QR code. wifi issue.

It is Wyze Management. not your V2, V1 issue.
submit log(s)

We had 5 that did that,we removed sd cards,and trash them replace with v3

No way shoukd User chuck their paid devices out because Wyze cannot get their act together?

I have three speakers with a smart display. After the last firmware update, the sound stopped working on all three speakers from Google Home Max and only from V2 cameras. I have two V2s and the sound does not work on one or the second. The sound itself on the speaker is naturally present and there is also sound in the Wyze application on the phone. There is no sound only on smart displays. The sound on Cam Pan and on cam outdoor works!