I get the same thing with Cam Plus via my Wifes account
Add support for shared Cam Plus cameras on http://my.wyze.com/live
If you pay for Cam plus and a friend or family member does too, and they share a Cam plus camera with you, you should be able to see the live stream on http://my.wyze.com/live if the owner of the camera enables this.
[Mod Edit]: Updated Web View link to point to new service.
My grandfather is in long term assisted living care now and I have multiple cameras setup at his property. I paid for Cam+ on all of my cameras and shared the cameras with him. He only has a computer, no phone, and has no way of viewing the cameras. This is wrong. I pay for cam+ and share the cameras with him, he should be able to view the cameras. This is a very upsetting discovery and support chat told me that shared cameras cannot be viewed in web chat. Please make this right!
Wyze Web View — Block external access/ web access
Wyze Web View
Looking to block any type of access to “Wyze Web View” Internet access to my Wyze home security cameras.
Reason: — increasing security
As providing Wyze Web View Access to the web cams, increases the security risks of hackers gaining access from the Internet, to one a customers security cams setup.
Wyze having a User Login, and 2FA is great,
but it it not enough protection.
As “2 Factor Authentication” has been hacked in the past at other companies who have 2FA enabled.
Disabling access from Wyze Web View, to customers web cams, provide MUCH better security.
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Web View - Support for Video Doorbell and Video Doorbell Pro
When will Wyze Web View support the Wyze Video Doorbell Pro? I use Chrome and can see events but not view or download them.
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Absolutely need this. Also maybe a user defined time expiring link to send to PD or contractors…
We want Wyze Web View LIVE STREAMING for VDB pro.
Delete events in the web portal
I would like to be able to delete events from the web portal. It is concerning that they are all on the web, which could possibly be hacked. I can delete from my app, but not from the portal on my PC. I noticed going back to other dates that all my events are on the web portal even when I deleted them from my mobile app.
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Not sure how I can vote for a specific feature but I would like to be able to download event videos from WebView.
Another valuable feature of Wyze WebView would be the ability to control pan and tilt-compatible cameras. Having onscreen controls plus the option to use arrow keys. Similar features are available on mobile devices.
The ability to play clips from the SD card would be very welcome.
My cameras fail to record events they should record, and the only way I can view the events is on the SD card. The phone is a poor substitute for a PC monitor when viewing these recordings.
Web View URL links for individual cameras
I would like to be able to bookmark a URL which opens a live web view to a specific camera without trying to connect to all cameras. I have 6 cameras at a remote property with a limited upload bandwidth. I have no problem when viewing one camera at time but the grid view of all cameras inevitably triggers connection issues which take quite a while to resolve. So if I could bookmark links to specific cameras I should be able to open and view that camera much faster and more reliably.
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Joe, FYI, If you pan on your cell phone, it will pan on the web page also.
Or you could get a Starlink and improve your bandwidth and see all the remote cameras at once.
When is downloading videos being added? I don’t see that option on the phone or web app.
I just got the Pan Cam which I love. I wanted to just say it would be AWESOME to pan/tilt remotely from Wyze Web View, as you can do on the app version.
Also wanted to say I LOVE all of the ideas on the consolidated wishlist! The ability to filter events, delete events, and fast forward events (overall make viewing experience similar to app version) would be great. AND the ability to share with a guest would be incredible. I’m a realist – I know that my amazing Garden Cam (which is how I use Wyze personally) is not going to be some kind of Cornell Bird Lab style live stream – but the ability to share with even one guest, for even a small amount of time, would be incredible. Honestly its a service I’d even pay for if it were possible.
My vote is for web view on the doorbell pro cam. I have 9 Wyze cameras and from a security pov it’s way more important to see who is outside your house BEFORE they break in vs recording footage of what they are stealing inside your house.
Much easier to leave a web browser window open on widescreen desktop to keep an eye on who is walking around your house vs constantly having to check your phone.
for anyone looking for night mode, Night Eye chrome extension is top tier. Been using it for Wyze Web View since it launched
Improvement Request for the browser app:
Modify the Date Tab on the (Windows PC) browser app to include a Left Arrow symbol (<) and a Right Arrow symbol (>) between the Calendar icon.
The left and right arrows will allow users to quickly move from day-to-day video clips for their pre-selected camera(s).
If a user needs to see a specific date, use the original down arrow currently in use.