Add a room to robot vacuum?

On my first clean with new Wyze Vacuum it mapped out the kitchen and dining room. I’d now like map the entire floor which includes two bedrooms. (I had their doors closed for the first try. How do I add the two rooms to my map? Do I have to re-do the whole mapping process?

I assume I would need to clear the current map and do a quick map?

Other than the above question I’m pleased wit the machine. It’s fun to watch it in action, although I suspect the thrill will wear off.

It’s been awhile since I’ve mapped, but… I believe you should be able to open the doors while doing a cleaning and the LiDAR will pick up the additional space and add it to your map

If not you could do a quick map with the doors open.


Yea you can add a room by allowing it to clean and discover the room, but only if you do a full clean. If you do a room clean it will not save the new map. Kinda annoying


I opened the door and it picked up part of the new room but will not let me name it or clean it. It stopped at the doorway and said cleaning complete, returning to charge.
Dont really want to delete current map…

You need to perform a quick map somit can discover the room.

Currently there isn’t a way to add a room

Hit the vacuum button w/o selecting any rooms. That will perform a full clean which will include and save new areas to the map which you can then split-up and name.

If the amount of cleaning is large, use no-go zones to help direct the vacuum to the new area you want added to the map because it must be able to make it in one go and get back to the dock successfully for it to save the map changes.

I’ve done it lots. 1.6.173 (beta) firmware on mine.

That worked perfect!!
You might want to check your firmware. I also am in the Beta program and i am at 1.6.306


This is good to know. Never needed to do it, but learned something.

Thanks for responding and @purchark , thanks for responding

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I’m currently stuck with it (1.6.173), but at least it works okay and has the major features.

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