5 minute cooldown on doorbell push v2 notifications...on a doorbell?

Thanks for the update, @WyzeJasonJ. This would be my expectation of how to handle it. I’m not surprised that there are some issues like this with such a new product, but so far I’m pleased with how it’s working.

Yeah, and I should’ve been more clear in my previous responses, @rec9140 and @sdoxsee. My old mechanical chime ding-dongs every time the doorbell button is pressed, as expected. There’s a slight but noticeable delay, but I suspect this has to do with the way the chime controller and the doorbell handle power together so that the voltage at the doorbell doesn’t drop low enough to turn it off or knock it offline, and I find that to be an acceptable lag.

Right. That’s been my experience. Since I’m relatively new to using a video doorbell, I’m not missing the frequent notifications as much as I might be if I were more accustomed to this sort of thing (and I’m still fine-tuning the generic sound and motion sensitivities to get those notifications to acceptable levels). As long as I still currently have a working doorbell, I’m content for now.

Having said that, I also understand the frustration from other users, and I hope future firmware and/or app updates resolve the issue. I don’t know who here listened to the Community Fireside on Discord during Wyze Week, but I was amused that one of the marketing folk (whose name escapes me) said that she’s not really a fan of subscriptions and really likes the microSD recording feature of the new doorbell (if I’m remembering and paraphrasing her correctly). I understand why Wyze promotes Cam Plus so heavily; however, it’s nice to know that someone on the inside also appreciates having devices that don’t require subscriptions in order to use basic features.