Android: 2.36.0.b92
iOS: 2.36.0(8)
- Bug fixes
Updated iOS successfully. Waiting for Android to be available
Updated IOS successfully. Yea I also wish we could know what to test…
Still waiting on the Google Play Store push for the Android app.
Same, just checked and nothing
Wyze app for android appears to be available now, I am installing it as I type
Not a huge issue but wanted to point out that the Wyze Cam v2 on the Pixel 7 pro Live Stream does not take up the full width of the screen, could be resolution related. Here is a screen shot:
On my Pixel 6 and iPhone Xs, the Live Stream, in portrait mode, looks fine.
Odd. It did not show in my update list or give me a notification of an update available. But when I opened it in Google Play from my installed list, the update button was available.
Pulling it in now.
Same for me
I only saw it because I powered on my P6 to update it and compare the V2 Outdoor cam Live Stream
I don’t see this on IOS iPhone SE 2020
Android: 2.36.0.b92
When doorbell pressed the alert shows up on phone selecting it opens up the app, However Tapping the Green phone button it changes to Red but does not enable conversation, Nothing spoken on the phone end is heard, Unless he Microphone button is toggled, which can also be done without tapping the green button. Taping the new re button ends the conversation
Log 763362
A post was merged into an existing topic: Wyze app 2.36 Release Candidate # 3 Test 10/27/2022
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