I would recommend sending in logs (you can find that option under Account > Help & Feedback > Report an Issue) if you’re running into this problem. @peepeep, please don’t send tickets for other people. We need to speak directly to people for troubleshooting.
Didn’t. Haven’t. Won’t.
So, in this case, better we said, “Let’s all submit tickets independently on this”? Check.
@peepeep considering that I already have 2 other tickets pending that have yet to be fixed… I’m not going to send in ticket for this one. I’ll send in a ticket if it really bothers me… But for now I’ll deal with the black spaces.
Sounds good @cheaplikeafox, two at a time is enough!
It’s back. Exactly as before. Return may have been concomitant with installation of new firmware v2 Can’t say for sure.
Fixes that worked before (clearing app cache in Android settings; uninstall/reinstalling the app entirely) didn’t work this time.
FYI: when you do either of these fixes, it appears that the app
Account | App Settings | Camera | Enable Hardware Decoder
toggle gets reset to OFF (the default I suppose) which can give you ‘unexplained’ video lagginess or possibly even connectivity instability (assuming you had it enabled before.)
Reviving the support ticket.
Just installed the spankin’ new 2.3.16 app. At first, no improvement.
Then tried Dread’s
Reset Enable Hardware Decoder to ON.
[still later]
Ok, here’s maybe something nailed. I can now fix and rebreak the zoom accuracy by toggling the hardware decoder OFF and ON, respectively. @UserCustomerGwen ?
Goodnight, Irene!
@peepeep it never got fixed for me…
Yeah, that’s a drag, @cheaplikeafox . It’s a useful feature one certainly misses when it misbehaves.
I noticed even when it was working it wasn’t spot on to where you tapped - close enough, but not exact.
But your problem is a black space / video not fully filling screen when zooming out. I wonder if ultimately there’ll be a common fix.
I’m having the same problem with zooming in and not being able to move around to look. Also when zooming out getting the black around the uncentered video. I have not reinstalled the app. I have the newest version update installed on a Samsung Note 8 with Android 9
@peepeep I noticed when I turn on the hardware decoder, it doesn’t have the blank space anymore when I zoom out
@cheaplikeafox No kidding? I hope that holds up!
@cheaplikeafox @drinkcoke could you see if this works the same way (consistently) for your problem?
With the hardware decoder turned on it fixed the zooming and moving and the black is gone when zooming back out. Turned off the black is back and it won’t recenter but for some reason I can zoom and move around in the screen again
Hmm. Is your problem only present in certain modes (Live View and Playback) like mine:
Double tapping to zoom in and out in either live view or playback solves both problems.
If I double tap to zoom then 2 finger pull to zoom out I get the black.
FYI, after a quick and intensive exchange with support (including screenshots of the zoom errors) they think my two cams may have bad image sensors and want to replace them under warranty to remove that possibility.
WyzeGwendolyn recommends that each individual still having problems submit a support ticket w/supporting logs if you haven’t yet (you can find that option in app under Account > Help & Feedback > Report an Issue.)
@peepeep I think the hardware decoder toggle fixed it when it’s on. I wasn’t able to even get to the app settings screen with the hardware decoder on the previous app.
Hey @cheaplikeafox, that’s great! With respect to the menu option being inaccessible in the past, you might want to check this out. I experience menu inaccessibility and app crash if the event video cache grows to as little as 1G.
I’ll send this link over to the team again to see if they have any advice. Sorry for the ongoing trouble!
Here’s another.
Thanks for letting me know!