We're ready, how about you? The 2.3 App is unveiled to public

We are thrilled to announce that we just released our 2.3 app version to the public. In 2.3, a new product, Wyze Sense, joins the Wyze family and will work together with the Wyze Cam to provide you with a lifestyle that is convenient and accessible. If you have any feedback, please let us know.

Thank you very much.

iOS 2.3.35

  • Added Two-Factor Authentication
  • Added device on/off button to the Home page
  • Added offline status
  • Added a download button for Event videos
  • Added support for RTSP (special firmware required)
  • Added support for Wyze Sense
  • Improved access for individual cameras during simultaneous streaming

Android 2.3.16

  • Added Two-Factor Authentication
  • Added device on/off button to the Home page
  • Added offline status
  • Added a download button for Event videos
  • Added support for RTSP (special firmware required)
  • Added support for Wyze Sense
  • Improved access for individual cameras during simultaneous streaming

Just got the email! Excited to play with RTSP and very cool to see the Wyse Sense stuff going in! My garage door is dying to tell me if it’s open or not. :slight_smile:


Are we able to revert back to the regular firmware if needed after installation of the special RTSP firmware?

Yes you are. Instructions are found by searching “firmware” on the support site, link top right.

Hello Guys,

How do I request it?


How does the Two-Factor Authentication work, because I’m not seeing anything different with regards to it.

For android just go to the play store.


And for iPhone?

Thank you!

Wherever you normally get the app.

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Got It.

Thank You!

It’s great having 2-factor authentication, but how can I add a backup number that’s not US or Canada? I have a second SIM card which I use when I’m travelling which has a different country code, and there’s nowhere to enter the country code for the backup number. Which makes me wonder why you didn’t use the token method for 2-factor authentication (used, e.g, by Google and Microsoft)? Wouldn’t that avoid the need for a backup number?

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Set up 2FA in the Account section of the Wyze app.

This is a great update. I am very impressed that the Wyze team delivered an updated that delivered some of the most requested features and only called it a v2.2 to v2.3 update. The features and fixes are coming at a good pace, especially when you consider the cost of the devices.
I am excited for the Wyze Sense and Max Drive products, but since I live in Canada I will probably have to wait for Amazon.ca to carry them.

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Anyone else accidentally hit the off button by accident on the camera when trying to touch the camera to open it? I wish it wasn’t so easy to accidentally turn on and off the camera. Maybe there should just be a status light saying if it’s on or off insteas of a big icon on the home page. Or maybe there should be a setting to hide that on/off button if you don’t need to have it on the home page on the cameras.


Also, my wyzecam live view keeps exiting to the home screen on its own and it says refresh list failed when viewing the old app on my old tablet. I didn’t have this issue before updating to the new app on a separate device.

Hmm…I downgraded the app and I still get the refresh list failed and it kicks me out of the live view on my old tablet… Maybe it’s not the new app then.

Looks good you all, well done. I’m guessing this was a fair amount of work.

FYI, on Android, the new feature to download Event videos (12-sec cloud clips) to local storage places them in this Android folder:


which on my 6.0 device shows up in the Google Photos app:

  • on the Photos tab (individually)
  • and on the Album tab (collectively) in the Camera album

Didn’t see a setting to change the download location though i may have missed it.


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Nice job wyze team :+1: You got that out quick

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I’m generally liking it so far. Only thing is that when I’m watching a cam the screen keeps going to sleep without any activity. It doesn’t stay away without constantly touching it like it used to.

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