WyzeCam v4 and WiFi 6


Sorry for the redundancy of this post. I know it has been discussed on here before, but I am unable to find the post that I was following on this issue.
I have two v4’s, a v1, v2, and a v3 connecting to my Ubiquiti U6-Mesh WiFi 6 AP. This AP is hardwired and is meshing with 2 other U6’s of the same model.

All connected devices, consisting of FEIT lightbulbs, Kasa switches, a few laptops, Alexa and Google Home minis connect just fine with no issues reported on my console.
The only devices having issues are the v4’s. On the off chance I had a couple of dud cameras I moved the two with issues to the other end of my house where the AP’s are U6 Lite WiFi 4. They stayed connected for days without issue. I will be reaching out to Wyze support with this issue, but wanted to also let you all know.

Network Setup:
SSID for WyzeCams only on 2.4GHz (5GHz not enabled)
Security Protocol: WPA2
App: v3.2.7 (1)
v4 Firmware:

At one point, while we were out of town, my daughter visited the house to take care of our chickens, and she heard the two v4’s saying “ready to connect”. I had to re-add them when we returned home from vacation. Very odd.

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