I bought my Wyze cams a while ago, put them in outdoor housings, and pointed them at the front, side, and back yards. I did this because a year or so back someone stole some drills & a skillsaw from my shed that I was using to build a deck. My in early March my daughter texted me a photo of my mailbox with the wooden post cracked badly. I suspected the garbage truck since it happened on a Tuesday afternoon and that is the day they pick up in my area. Wyze cam to the rescue! Spoiler - it wasn’t them. It was a young lady who was “visiting” my neighbor’s teenage boy when his parents weren’t home. I showed the video to the neighbor and he didn’t recognize the car or the girl, but he said he would check with his son & get back with me. He never did. (Same neighbor who called the cops to complain that my rooster crows in the morning and wakes him up. I could call the cops about this, but I’m not the a$$hole kind of neighbor. I’d rather approach my neighbors in a friendly manner to resolve issues. Even if this is never resolved, I’m just NOT going to involve any level of government to solve it.) I tried to upload the video but its too large, even though it runs almost a minute. Thanks Wyze for your great products! Glad I bought them.
I agree they are great products. Glad you found the culprit. You can use Google Drive or Dropbox to upload your video and then just share a link here. We would enjoy the video.
Or YouTube’s!
If you ffwd to the 1 minute mark, you’ll see the impact. She realized she hit it. Got out & looked at it. Straightened up my mailbox so nobody would notice (yeah right), then pulled back into the driveway to check damage to her bumper. I think she was also hoping the garbage truck would get the blame for it. After they left, she left. Haven’t seen that vehicle return since. really glad I bought my Wyze cams. She hit my mailbox! - YouTube
Great catch on the Wyze cam. She straightened up the post like…all better now and no one will ever notice.
The thing was old & creaky anyways. Its one of those things I plan on replacing eventually, when I get around to it.
I don’t buy the neighbour saying they don’t recognize the vehicle or the girl (and I’m guessing you don’t buy it either.) Regardless, you’ve sent the message that you are keeping an eye on things.
Yes, I am skeptical that my neighbor really has no idea who this female is, I have also been reviewing my cam footage for this person’s return. I saw her return on a subsequent Tuesday at around 3pm. This tells me she is a regular visitor at around the same time each week. Perhaps a home care worker, like for physical therapy or something? If I needed to confront the person I certainly could (but I don’t, again this is just a wooden post that is easily replaceable) I think it sends two messages. 1) He may lie about it if he wants to, but I am watching and recording what people do on/to my property; and 2) My neighbor may be ok with calling the cops over insignificant stuff like a rooster crowing, but I would rather work things out fact-to-face like a good neighbor instead of involving the cops at the drop of a hat. I refuse to be “one of those” kind of neighbors. There is too much craziness going on in the world nowadays for me to return bad behavior with bad behavior. All that would do is harm my heart & soul. Its better to forgive & forget, but keep monitoring.